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Kubernetes Gateway API

This section includes APIs of Kubernetes Gateway API.

1 - BackendTLSPolicy

The `BackendTLSPolicy` resource is Alpha and has been part of
the Experimental Channel since `v1.0.0`. For more information on release
channels, refer to our [versioning guide](

BackendTLSPolicy is a Gateway API type for specifying the TLS configuration of the connection from the Gateway to a backend pod/s via the Service API object.


BackendTLSPolicy specifically addresses the configuration of TLS in order to convey HTTPS from the Gateway dataplane to the backend. This is referred to as “backend TLS termination” and enables the Gateway to know how to connect to a backend pod that has its own certificate.

While there are other API objects provided for TLS to be configured for passthrough and edge termination, this API object allows users to specifically configure backend TLS termination. For more information on TLS configuration in Gateway API, see TLS Configuration.

Image showing three TLS Termination Types

BackendTLSPolicy is a Direct PolicyAttachment without defaults or overrides, applied to a Service that accesses a backend, where the BackendTLSPolicy resides in the same namespace as the Service to which it is applied. The BackendTLSPolicy and the Service must reside in the same namespace in order to prevent the complications involved with sharing trust across namespace boundaries.

All Gateway API Routes that point to a referenced Service should respect a configured BackendTLSPolicy.


The specification of a BackendTLSPolicy consists of:

  • TargetRefs - Defines the targeted API object of the policy. Only Service is allowed.
  • Validation - Defines the configuration for TLS, including hostname, CACertificateRefs, and WellKnownCACertificates.
  • Hostname - Defines the Server Name Indication (SNI) that the Gateway uses to connect to the backend.
  • CACertificateRefs - Defines one or more references to objects that contain PEM-encoded TLS certificates, which are used to establish a TLS handshake between the Gateway and backend Pod. Either CACertificateRefs or WellKnownCACertificates may be specified, but not both.
  • WellKnownCACertificates - Specifies whether system CA certificates may be used in the TLS handshake between the Gateway and backend Pod. Either CACertificateRefs or WellKnownCACertificates may be specified, but not both.

The following chart outlines the object definitions and relationship:

flowchart LR
    backendTLSPolicy[["<b>backendTLSPolicy</b> <hr><align=left>BackendTLSPolicySpec: spec<br>PolicyStatus: status</align>"]]
    spec[["<b>spec</b><hr>PolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionName: targetRefs <br> BackendTLSPolicyValidation: tls"]]
    status[["<b>status</b><hr>[ ]PolicyAncestorStatus: ancestors"]]
    validation[["<b>tls</b><hr>LocalObjectReference: caCertificateRefs<br>wellKnownCACertificatesType: wellKnownCACertificates/<br>PreciseHostname: hostname"]]
    ancestorStatus[["<b>ancestors</b><hr>AncestorRef: parentReference<br>GatewayController: controllerName<br>[]Condition: conditions"]]
    backendTLSPolicy -->spec
    backendTLSPolicy -->status
    spec -->targetRefs & validation
    status -->ancestorStatus
    targetRefs -->service
    note[<em>choose only one<hr> caCertificateRefs OR wellKnownCACertificates</em>]
    style note fill:#fff
    validation -.- note

The following illustrates a BackendTLSPolicy that configures TLS for a Service serving a backend:

flowchart LR
    style gateway fill:#02f,color:#fff
    style httproute fill:#02f,color:#fff
    style service fill:#02f,color:#fff
    style pod1 fill:#02f,color:#fff
    style pod2 fill:#02f,color:#fff
    client -.->|HTTP <br> request| gateway
    gateway --> httproute
    httproute -.->|BackendTLSPolicy|service
    service --> pod1 & pod2

Targeting backends

A BackendTLSPolicy targets a backend Pod (or set of Pods) via one or more TargetRefs to a Service. This TargetRef is a required object reference that specifies a Service by its Name, Kind (Service), and optionally its Namespace and Group. TargetRefs identify the Service/s for which your HTTPRoute requires TLS.

- Cross-namespace certificate references are not allowed.


A BackendTLSPolicyValidation is the specification for the BackendTLSPolicy and defines the configuration for TLS, including hostname (for server name indication) and certificates.


Hostname defines the server name indication (SNI) the Gateway should use in order to connect to the backend, and must match the certificate served by the backend pod. A hostname is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the “host” part of the URI as defined in the RFC:

  • IP addresses are not allowed.

Also note:

- Wildcard hostnames are not allowed.


The BackendTLSPolicyValidation must contain a certificate reference of some kind, and contains two ways to configure the certificate to use for backend TLS, CACertificateRefs and WellKnownCACertificates. Only one of these may be used per BackendTLSPolicyValidation.


CACertificateRefs refer to one or more PEM-encoded TLS certificates.

- Cross-namespace certificate references are not allowed.

If you are working in an environment where specific TLS certificates are not required, and your Gateway API implementation allows system or default certificates to be used, e.g. in a development environment, you may set WellKnownCACertificates to “System” to tell the Gateway to use a set of trusted CA Certificates. There may be some variation in which system certificates are used by each implementation. Refer to documentation from your implementation of choice for more information.


Status defines the observed state of the BackendTLSPolicy and is not user-configurable. Check status in the same way you do for other Gateway API objects to verify correct operation. Note that the status in BackendTLSPolicy uses PolicyAncestorStatus to allow you to know which parentReference set that particular status.

2 - Gateway

The `Gateway` resource is GA and has been part of the Standard Channel since
`v0.5.0`. For more information on release channels, refer to our [versioning

A Gateway is 1:1 with the lifecycle of the configuration of infrastructure. When a user creates a Gateway, some load balancing infrastructure is provisioned or configured (see below for details) by the GatewayClass controller. Gateway is the resource that triggers actions in this API. Other resources in this API are configuration snippets until a Gateway has been created to link the resources together.

The Gateway spec defines the following:

  • GatewayClassName- Defines the name of a GatewayClass object used by this Gateway.
  • Listeners- Define the hostnames, ports, protocol, termination, TLS settings and which routes can be attached to a listener.
  • Addresses- Define the network addresses requested for this gateway.

If the desired configuration specified in Gateway spec cannot be achieved, the Gateway will be in an error state with details provided by status conditions.

Deployment models

Depending on the GatewayClass, the creation of a Gateway could do any of the following actions:

  • Use cloud APIs to create an LB instance.
  • Spawn a new instance of a software LB (in this or another cluster).
  • Add a configuration stanza to an already instantiated LB to handle the new routes.
  • Program the SDN to implement the configuration.
  • Something else we haven’t thought of yet…

The API does not specify which one of these actions will be taken.

Gateway Status

GatewayStatus is used to surface the status of a Gateway relative to the desired state represented in spec. GatewayStatus consists of the following:

  • Addresses- Lists the IP addresses that have actually been bound to the Gateway.
  • Listeners- Provide status for each unique listener defined in spec.
  • Conditions- Describe the current status conditions of the Gateway.

Both Conditions and Listeners.conditions follow the conditions pattern used elsewhere in Kubernetes. This is a list that includes a type of condition, the status of the condition and the last time this condition changed.

3 - GatewayClass

The `GatewayClass` resource is GA and has been part of the Standard Channel since
`v0.5.0`. For more information on release channels, refer to our [versioning

GatewayClass is cluster-scoped resource defined by the infrastructure provider. This resource represents a class of Gateways that can be instantiated.

Note: GatewayClass serves the same function as the networking.IngressClass resource.

kind: GatewayClass
  name: cluster-gateway
  controllerName: ""

We expect that one or more GatewayClasses will be created by the infrastructure provider for the user. It allows decoupling of which mechanism (e.g. controller) implements the Gateways from the user. For instance, an infrastructure provider may create two GatewayClasses named internet and private to reflect Gateways that define Internet-facing vs private, internal applications.

kind: GatewayClass
  name: internet
kind: GatewayClass
  name: private

The user of the classes will not need to know how internet and private are implemented. Instead, the user will only need to understand the resulting properties of the class that the Gateway was created with.

GatewayClass parameters

Providers of the Gateway API may need to pass parameters to their controller as part of the class definition. This is done using the GatewayClass.spec.parametersRef field:

# GatewayClass for Gateways that define Internet-facing applications.
kind: GatewayClass
  name: internet
  controllerName: ""
    kind: Config
    name: internet-gateway-config
kind: Config
  name: internet-gateway-config
  ip-address-pool: internet-vips

Using a Custom Resource for GatewayClass.spec.parametersRef is encouraged but implementations may resort to using a ConfigMap if needed.

GatewayClass status

GatewayClasses MUST be validated by the provider to ensure that the configured parameters are valid. The validity of the class will be signaled to the user via GatewayClass.status:

kind: GatewayClass
  - type: Accepted
    status: False

A new GatewayClass will start with the Accepted condition set to False. At this point the controller has not seen the configuration. Once the controller has processed the configuration, the condition will be set to True:

kind: GatewayClass
  - type: Accepted
    status: True

If there is an error in the GatewayClass.spec, the conditions will be non-empty and contain information about the error.

kind: GatewayClass
  - type: Accepted
    status: False
    Reason: BadFooBar
    Message: "foobar" is an FooBar.

GatewayClass controller selection

The GatewayClass.spec.controller field determines the controller implementation responsible for managing the GatewayClass. The format of the field is opaque and specific to a particular controller. The GatewayClass selected by a given controller field depends on how various controller(s) in the cluster interpret this field.

It is RECOMMENDED that controller authors/deployments make their selection unique by using a domain / path combination under their administrative control (e.g. controller managing of all controllers starting with is the owner of the domain) to avoid conflicts.

Controller versioning can be done by encoding the version of a controller into the path portion. An example scheme could be (similar to container URIs):   // Use version 1 // Use version 2.1      // Use the default version

4 - GRPCRoute

The `GRPCRoute` resource is GA and has been part of the Standard Channel since
`v1.1.0`. For more information on release channels, refer to our [versioning

GRPCRoute is a Gateway API type for specifying routing behavior of gRPC requests from a Gateway listener to an API object, i.e. Service.


While it is possible to route gRPC with HTTPRoutes or via custom, out-of-tree CRDs, in the long run, this leads to a fragmented ecosystem.

gRPC is a popular RPC framework adopted widely across the industry. The protocol is used pervasively within the Kubernetes project itself as the basis for many interfaces, including:

Given gRPC’s importance in the application-layer networking space and to the Kubernetes project in particular, the determination was made not to allow the ecosystem to fragment unnecessarily.

Encapsulated Network Protocols

In general, when it is possible to route an encapsulated protocol at a lower level, it is acceptable to introduce a route resource at the higher layer when the following criteria are met:

  • Users of the encapsulated protocol would miss out on significant conventional features from their ecosystem if forced to route at a lower layer.
  • Users of the encapsulated protocol would experience a degraded user experience if forced to route at a lower layer.
  • The encapsulated protocol has a significant user base, particularly in the Kubernetes community.

gRPC meets all of these criteria, so the decision was made to include GRPCRoutein Gateway API.

Cross Serving

Implementations that support GRPCRoute must enforce uniqueness of hostnames between GRPCRoutes and HTTPRoutes. If a route (A) of type HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute is attached to a Listener and that listener already has another Route (B) of the other type attached and the intersection of the hostnames of A and B is non-empty, then the implementation must reject Route A. That is, the implementation must raise an ‘Accepted’ condition with a status of ‘False’ in the corresponding RouteParentStatus.

In general, it is recommended that separate hostnames be used for gRPC and non-gRPC HTTP traffic. This aligns with standard practice in the gRPC community. If however, it is a necessity to serve HTTP and gRPC on the same hostname with the only differentiator being URI, the user should use HTTPRoute resources for both gRPC and HTTP. This will come at the cost of the improved UX of the GRPCRoute resource.


The specification of a GRPCRoute consists of:

  • ParentRefs- Define which Gateways this Route wants to be attached to.
  • Hostnames (optional)- Define a list of hostnames to use for matching the Host header of gRPC requests.
  • Rules- Define a list of rules to perform actions against matching gRPC requests. Each rule consists of matches, filters (optional), backendRefs (optional), and name (optional) fields.

The following illustrates a GRPCRoute that sends all traffic to one Service: grpcroute-basic-example

Attaching to Gateways

Each Route includes a way to reference the parent resources it wants to attach to. In most cases, that’s going to be Gateways, but there is some flexibility here for implementations to support other types of parent resources.

The following example shows how a Route would attach to the acme-lb Gateway:

kind: GRPCRoute
  name: grpcroute-example
  - name: acme-lb

Note that the target Gateway needs to allow GRPCRoutes from the route’s namespace to be attached for the attachment to be successful.


Hostnames define a list of hostnames to match against the Host header of the gRPC request. When a match occurs, the GRPCRoute is selected to perform request routing based on rules and filters (optional). A hostname is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the “host” part of the URI as defined in the RFC:

  • IPs are not allowed.
  • The : delimiter is not respected because ports are not allowed.

Incoming requests are matched against hostnames before the GRPCRoute rules are evaluated. If no hostname is specified, traffic is routed based on GRPCRoute rules and filters (optional).

The following example defines hostname “”:

kind: GRPCRoute
  name: grpcroute-example


Rules define semantics for matching an gRPC requests based on conditions, optionally executing additional processing steps, and optionally forwarding the request to an API object.


Matches define conditions used for matching an gRPC requests. Each match is independent, i.e. this rule will be matched if any single match is satisfied.

Take the following matches configuration as an example:

kind: GRPCRoute
  - method:
      service: com.example.User
      method: Login
    - name: version
      value: "2"
  - method:
      service: com.example.v2.User
      method: Login

For a request to match against this rule, it must satisfy EITHER of the following conditions:

  • The com.example.User.Login method AND contains the header “version: 2”
  • The com.example.v2.User.Login method.

If no matches are specified, the default is to match every gRPC request.

Filters (optional)

Filters define processing steps that must be completed during the request or response lifecycle. Filters act as an extension point to express additional processing that may be performed in Gateway implementations. Some examples include request or response modification, implementing authentication strategies, rate-limiting, and traffic shaping.

The following example adds header “my-header: foo” to gRPC requests with Host header “”. Note that GRPCRoute uses HTTPRoute filters for features with functionality identical to HTTPRoute, such as this.

#$ Used in:
#$ - site-src/api-types/
kind: GRPCRoute
  name: grpc-filter-1
    - filters:
        - type: RequestHeaderModifier
              - name: my-header
                value: foo
        - name: my-filter-svc1
          weight: 1
          port: 50051

API conformance is defined based on the filter type. The effects of ordering multiple behaviors are currently unspecified. This may change in the future based on feedback during the alpha stage.

Conformance levels are defined by the filter type:

  • All “core” filters MUST be supported by implementations supporting GRPCRoute.
  • Implementers are encouraged to support “extended” filters.
  • “Implementation-specific” filters have no API guarantees across implementations.

Specifying a core filter multiple times has unspecified or custom conformance.

If an implementation cannot support a combinations of filters, they must clearly document that limitation. In cases where incompatible or unsupported filters are specified and cause the Accepted condition to be set to status False, implementations may use the IncompatibleFilters reason to specify this configuration error.

BackendRefs (optional)

BackendRefs defines the API objects to which matching requests should be sent. If unspecified, the rule performs no forwarding. If unspecified and no filters are specified that would result in a response being sent, an UNIMPLEMENTED error code is returned.

The following example forwards gRPC requests for the method User.Login to service “my-service1” on port 50051 and gRPC requests for the method Things.DoThing with header magic: foo to service “my-service2” on port 50051:

#$ Used in:
#$ - site-src/api-types/
kind: GatewayClass
  name: example
    name: example
    kind: Parameters
kind: Gateway
  name: my-gateway
  gatewayClassName: example
  listeners:  # Use GatewayClass defaults for listener definition.
  - name: https
    protocol: HTTPS
    port: 50051
      - kind: Secret
        group: ""
        name: example-com-cert
kind: GRPCRoute
  name: grpc-app-1
  - name: my-gateway
  - ""
  - matches:
    - method:
        service: com.example.User
        method: Login
    - name: my-service1
      port: 50051
  - matches:
    - headers:
      - type: Exact
        name: magic
        value: foo
        service: com.example.Things
        method: DoThing
    - name: my-service2
      port: 50051

The following example uses the weight field to forward 90% of gRPC requests to to the “foo-v1” Service and the other 10% to the “foo-v2” Service:

#$ Used in:
#$ - site-src/api-types/
kind: GRPCRoute
  name: foo-route
    gateway: prod-web-gw
  - backendRefs:
    - name: foo-v1
      port: 50051
      weight: 90
    - name: foo-v2
      port: 50051
      weight: 10

Reference the backendRef API documentation for additional details on weight and other fields.

Name (optional)

This concept has been part of the Experimental Channel since `v1.2.0`.
For more information on release channels, refer to our
[versioning guide](

GRPCRoute Rules include an optional name field. The applications for the name of a route rule are implementation-specific. It can be used to reference individual route rules by name from other resources, such as in the sectionName field of metaresources (GEP-2648), in the status stanzas of resources related to the route object, to identify internal configuration objects generated by the implementation from GRPCRoute Rule, etc.

If specified, the value of the name field must comply with the SectionName type.


Status defines the observed state of the GRPCRoute.


RouteStatus defines the observed state that is required across all route types.


Parents define a list of the Gateways (or other parent resources) that are associated with the GRPCRoute, and the status of the GRPCRoute with respect to each of these Gateways. When a GRPCRoute adds a reference to a Gateway in parentRefs, the controller that manages the Gateway should add an entry to this list when the controller first sees the route and should update the entry as appropriate when the route is modified.


The following example indicates GRPCRoute “grpc-example” has been accepted by Gateway “gw-example” in namespace “gw-example-ns”:

kind: GRPCRoute
  name: grpc-example
  - parentRefs:
      name: gw-example
      namespace: gw-example-ns
    - type: Accepted
      status: "True"


Multiple GRPCRoutes can be attached to a single Gateway resource. Importantly, only one Route rule may match each request. For more information on how conflict resolution applies to merging, refer to the API specification.

5 - HTTPRoute

The `HTTPRoute` resource is GA and has been part of the Standard Channel since
`v0.5.0`. For more information on release channels, refer to our [versioning

HTTPRoute is a Gateway API type for specifying routing behavior of HTTP requests from a Gateway listener to an API object, i.e. Service.


The specification of an HTTPRoute consists of:

  • ParentRefs- Define which Gateways this Route wants to be attached to.
  • Hostnames (optional)- Define a list of hostnames to use for matching the Host header of HTTP requests.
  • Rules- Define a list of rules to perform actions against matching HTTP requests. Each rule consists of matches, filters (optional), backendRefs (optional), timeouts (optional), and name (optional) fields.

The following illustrates an HTTPRoute that sends all traffic to one Service: httproute-basic-example

Attaching to Gateways

Each Route includes a way to reference the parent resources it wants to attach to. In most cases, that’s going to be Gateways, but there is some flexibility here for implementations to support other types of parent resources.

The following example shows how a Route would attach to the acme-lb Gateway:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: httproute-example
  - name: acme-lb

Note that the target Gateway needs to allow HTTPRoutes from the route’s namespace to be attached for the attachment to be successful.

You can also attach routes to specific sections of the parent resource. For example, let’s say that the acme-lb Gateway includes the following listeners:

  - name: foo
    protocol: HTTP
    port: 8080
  - name: bar
    protocol: HTTP
    port: 8090
  - name: baz
    protocol: HTTP
    port: 8090

You can bind a route to listener foo only, using the sectionName field in parentRefs:

  - name: acme-lb
    sectionName: foo

Alternatively, you can achieve the same effect by using the port field, instead of sectionName, in the parentRefs:

  - name: acme-lb
    port: 8080

Binding to a port also allows you to attach to multiple listeners at once. For example, binding to port 8090 of the acme-lb Gateway would be more convenient than binding to the corresponding listeners by name:

  - name: acme-lb
    sectionName: bar
  - name: acme-lb
    sectionName: baz

However, when binding Routes by port number, Gateway admins will no longer have the flexibility to switch ports on the Gateway without also updating the Routes. The approach should only be used when a Route should apply to a specific port number as opposed to listeners whose ports may be changed.


Hostnames define a list of hostnames to match against the Host header of the HTTP request. When a match occurs, the HTTPRoute is selected to perform request routing based on rules and filters (optional). A hostname is the fully qualified domain name of a network host, as defined by RFC 3986. Note the following deviations from the “host” part of the URI as defined in the RFC:

  • IPs are not allowed.
  • The : delimiter is not respected because ports are not allowed.

Incoming requests are matched against hostnames before the HTTPRoute rules are evaluated. If no hostname is specified, traffic is routed based on HTTPRoute rules and filters (optional).

The following example defines hostname “”:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: httproute-example


Rules define semantics for matching an HTTP request based on conditions, optionally executing additional processing steps, and optionally forwarding the request to an API object.


Matches define conditions used for matching an HTTP request. Each match is independent, i.e. this rule will be matched if any single match is satisfied.

Take the following matches configuration as an example:

kind: HTTPRoute
  - matches:
    - path:
        value: "/foo"
      - name: "version"
        value: "2"
    - path:
        value: "/v2/foo"

For a request to match against this rule, it must satisfy EITHER of the following conditions:

  • A path prefixed with /foo AND contains the header “version: 2”
  • A path prefix of /v2/foo

If no matches are specified, the default is a prefix path match on “/”, which has the effect of matching every HTTP request.

Filters (optional)

Filters define processing steps that must be completed during the request or response lifecycle. Filters act as an extension point to express additional processing that may be performed in Gateway implementations. Some examples include request or response modification, implementing authentication strategies, rate-limiting, and traffic shaping.

The following example adds header “my-header: foo” to HTTP requests with Host header “”.

#$ Used in:
#$ - site-src/api-types/
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: http-filter-1
    - filters:
        - type: RequestHeaderModifier
              - name: my-header
                value: foo
        - name: my-filter-svc1
          weight: 1
          port: 80

API conformance is defined based on the filter type. The effects of ordering multiple behaviors is currently unspecified. This may change in the future based on feedback during the alpha stage.

Conformance levels are defined by the filter type:

  • All “core” filters MUST be supported by implementations.
  • Implementers are encouraged to support “extended” filters.
  • “Implementation-specific” filters have no API guarantees across implementations.

Specifying a core filter multiple times has unspecified or implementation-specific conformance.

All filters are expected to be compatible with each other except for the URLRewrite and RequestRedirect filters, which may not be combined. If an implementation cannot support other combinations of filters, they must clearly document that limitation. In cases where incompatible or unsupported filters are specified and cause the Accepted condition to be set to status False, implementations may use the IncompatibleFilters reason to specify this configuration error.

BackendRefs (optional)

BackendRefs defines API objects where matching requests should be sent. If unspecified, the rule performs no forwarding. If unspecified and no filters are specified that would result in a response being sent, a 404 error code is returned.

The following example forwards HTTP requests for prefix /bar to service “my-service1” on port 8080 and HTTP requests for prefix /some/thing with header magic: foo to service “my-service2” on port 8080:

#$ Used in:
#$ - site-src/api-types/
kind: GatewayClass
  name: example
    name: example
    kind: Parameters
kind: Gateway
  name: my-gateway
  gatewayClassName: example
  listeners:  # Use GatewayClass defaults for listener definition.
  - name: http
    protocol: HTTP
    port: 80
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: http-app-1
  - name: my-gateway
  - ""
  - matches:
    - path:
        type: PathPrefix
        value: /bar
    - name: my-service1
      port: 8080
  - matches:
    - headers:
      - type: Exact
        name: magic
        value: foo
      - type: Exact
        name: great
        value: example
        type: PathPrefix
        value: /some/thing
      method: GET
    - name: my-service2
      port: 8080

The following example uses the weight field to forward 90% of HTTP requests to to the “foo-v1” Service and the other 10% to the “foo-v2” Service:

#$ Used in:
#$ - site-src/guides/
#$ - site-src/api-types/
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: foo-route
    gateway: prod-web-gw
  - backendRefs:
    - name: foo-v1
      port: 8080
      weight: 90
    - name: foo-v2
      port: 8080
      weight: 10

Reference the backendRef API documentation for additional details on weight and other fields.

Timeouts (optional)

HTTPRoute timeouts have been part of the Experimental Channel since `v1.0.0`.
For more information on release channels, refer to our
[versioning guide](

HTTPRoute Rules include a Timeouts field. If unspecified, timeout behavior is implementation-specific.

There are 2 kinds of timeouts that can be configured in an HTTPRoute Rule:

  1. request is the timeout for the Gateway API implementation to send a response to a client HTTP request. This timeout is intended to cover as close to the whole request-response transaction as possible, although an implementation MAY choose to start the timeout after the entire request stream has been received instead of immediately after the transaction is initiated by the client.

  2. backendRequest is a timeout for a single request from the Gateway to a backend. This timeout covers the time from when the request first starts being sent from the gateway to when the full response has been received from the backend. This can be particularly helpful if the Gateway retries connections to a backend.

Because the request timeout encompasses the backendRequest timeout, the value of backendRequest must not be greater than the value of request timeout.

Timeouts are optional, and their fields are of type Duration. A zero-valued timeout (“0s”) MUST be interpreted as disabling the timeout. A valid non-zero-valued timeout MUST be >= 1ms.

The following example uses the request field which will cause a timeout if a client request is taking longer than 10 seconds to complete. The example also defines a 2s backendRequest which specifies a timeout for an individual request from the gateway to a backend service timeout-svc:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: timeout-example
  - name: example-gateway
  - matches:
    - path:
        type: PathPrefix
        value: /timeout
      request: 10s
      backendRequest: 2s
    - name: timeout-svc
      port: 8080

Reference the timeouts API documentation for additional details.

Name (optional)

This concept has been part of the Experimental Channel since `v1.2.0`.
For more information on release channels, refer to our
[versioning guide](

HTTPRoute Rules include an optional name field. The applications for the name of a route rule are implementation-specific. It can be used to reference individual route rules by name from other resources, such as in the sectionName field of metaresources (GEP-2648), in the status stanzas of resources related to the route object, to identify internal configuration objects generated by the implementation from HTTPRoute Rule, etc.

If specified, the value of the name field must comply with the SectionName type.

The following example specifies the name field to identify HTTPRoute Rules used to split traffic between a read-only backend service and a write-only one:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: example-route
  - name: example-gateway
  - name: read-only
    - method: GET
    - name: backend-mirror-svc
      port: 8080
  - name: write-only
    - method: POST
    - method: PATCH
    - method: DELETE
    - name: backend-svc
      port: 8080
Backend Protocol
This concept has been part of the Experimental Channel since `v1.0.0`.
For more information on release channels, refer to our
[versioning guide](

Some implementations may require the backendRef to be labeled explicitly in order to route traffic using a certain protocol. For Kubernetes Service backends this can be done by specifying the appProtocol field.


Status defines the observed state of HTTPRoute.


RouteStatus defines the observed state that is required across all route types.


Parents define a list of the Gateways (or other parent resources) that are associated with the HTTPRoute, and the status of the HTTPRoute with respect to each of these Gateways. When a HTTPRoute adds a reference to a Gateway in parentRefs, the controller that manages the Gateway should add an entry to this list when the controller first sees the route and should update the entry as appropriate when the route is modified.

The following example indicates HTTPRoute “http-example” has been accepted by Gateway “gw-example” in namespace “gw-example-ns”:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: http-example
  - parentRefs:
      name: gw-example
      namespace: gw-example-ns
    - type: Accepted
      status: "True"


Multiple HTTPRoutes can be attached to a single Gateway resource. Importantly, only one Route rule may match each request. For more information on how conflict resolution applies to merging, refer to the API specification.

6 - ReferenceGrant

The `ReferenceGrant` resource is Beta and part of the 
Standard Channel since `v0.6.0`. For more information on release
channels, refer to our [versioning guide](

This resource was originally named "ReferencePolicy". It was renamed
to "ReferenceGrant" to avoid any confusion with policy attachment.

A ReferenceGrant can be used to enable cross namespace references within Gateway API. In particular, Routes may forward traffic to backends in other namespaces, or Gateways may refer to Secrets in another namespace.

Reference Grant

In the past, we’ve seen that forwarding traffic across namespace boundaries is a desired feature, but without a safeguard like ReferenceGrant, vulnerabilities can emerge.

If an object is referred to from outside its namespace, the object’s owner must create a ReferenceGrant resource to explicitly allow that reference. Without a ReferenceGrant, a cross namespace reference is invalid.


Fundamentally a ReferenceGrant is made up of two lists, a list of resources references may come from, and a list of resources that may be referenced.

The from list allows you to specify the group, kind, and namespace of resources that may reference items described in the to list.

The to list allows you to specify the group and kind of resources that may be referenced by items described in the from list. The namespace is not necessary in the to list because a ReferenceGrant can only be used to allow references to resources in the same namespace as the ReferenceGrant.


The following example shows how a HTTPRoute in namespace foo can reference a Service in namespace bar. In this example a ReferenceGrant in the bar namespace explicitly allows references to Services from HTTPRoutes in the foo namespace.

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: foo
  namespace: foo
  - matches:
    - path: /bar
      - name: bar
        namespace: bar
kind: ReferenceGrant
  name: bar
  namespace: bar
  - group:
    kind: HTTPRoute
    namespace: foo
  - group: ""
    kind: Service

API design decisions

While the API is simplistic in nature, it comes with a few notable decisions:

  1. Each ReferenceGrant only supports a single From and To section. Additional trust relationships must be modeled with additional ReferenceGrant resources.
  2. Resource names are intentionally excluded from the “From” section of ReferenceGrant because they rarely provide any meaningful protection. A user that is able to write to resources of a certain kind within a namespace can always rename resources or change the structure of the resources to match a given grant.
  3. A single Namespace is allowed per “From” struct. Although a selector would be more powerful, it encourages unnecessarily insecure configuration.
  4. The effect of these resources is purely additive, they stack on top of each other. This makes it impossible for them to conflict with each other.

Please see the API Specification for more details on how specific ReferenceGrant fields are interpreted.

Implementation Guidelines

This API relies on runtime verification. Implementations MUST watch for changes to these resources and recalculate the validity of cross-namespace references after each change or deletion.

When communicating the status of a cross-namespace reference, implementations MUST NOT expose information about the existence of a resource in another namespace unless a ReferenceGrant exists allowing the reference to occur. This means that if a cross-namespace reference is made without a ReferenceGrant to a resource that doesn’t exist, any status conditions or warning messages need to focus on the fact that a ReferenceGrant does not exist to allow this reference. No hints should be provided about whether or not the referenced resource exists.


Cross namespace Route -> Gateway binding follows a slightly different pattern where the handshake mechanism is built into the Gateway resource. For more information on that approach, refer to the relevant Security Model documentation. Although conceptually similar to ReferenceGrant, this configuration is built directly into Gateway Listeners, and allows for fine-grained per Listener configuration that would not be possible with ReferenceGrant.

There are some situations where it MAY be acceptable to ignore ReferenceGrant in favor of some other security mechanism. This MAY only be done if other mechanisms like NetworkPolicy can effectively limit cross-namespace references by the implementation.

An implementation choosing to make this exception MUST clearly document that ReferenceGrant is not honored by their implementations and detail which alternative safeguards are available. Note that this is unlikely to apply to ingress implementations of the API and will not apply to all mesh implementations.

For an example of the risks involved in cross-namespace references, refer to CVE-2021-25740. Implementations of this API need to be very careful to avoid confused deputy attacks. ReferenceGrant provides a safeguard for that. Exceptions MUST only be made by implementations that are absolutely certain that other equally effective safeguards are in place.

Conformance Level

ReferenceGrant support is a “CORE” conformance level requirement for cross-namespace references that originate from the following objects:

  • Gateway
  • GRPCRoute
  • HTTPRoute
  • TLSRoute
  • TCPRoute
  • UDPRoute

That is, all implementations MUST use this flow for any cross namespace references in the Gateway and any of the core xRoute types, except as noted in the Exceptions section above.

Other “ImplementationSpecific” objects and references MUST also use this flow for cross-namespace references, except as noted in the Exceptions section above.

Potential Future API Group Change

ReferenceGrant is starting to gain interest outside of Gateway API and SIG Network use cases. It is possible that this resource may move to a more neutral home. Users of the ReferenceGrant API may be required to transition to a different API Group (instead of at some point in the future.