Multicluster Service Routing

The Multicluster Service API ServiceImport object can be used as part of the GatewayAPI backendRef for configuring routes. For more information about multicluster service API follow sig documentation.

We will use Submariner project for setting up the multicluster environment for exporting the service to be routed from peer clusters.

Setting KIND clusters and installing Submariner.

  • We will be using KIND clusters to demonstrate this example.
git clone
cd submariner-operator
make clusters

Note: remain in submariner-operator directory for the rest of the steps in this section

  • Install subctl:
curl -Ls  | VERSION=v0.14.6 bash
  • Set up multicluster service API and submariner for cross cluster traffic using ServiceImport
subctl deploy-broker --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster1 --globalnet
subctl join --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster1 broker-info.subm --clusterid cluster1 --natt=false
subctl join --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster2 broker-info.subm --clusterid cluster2 --natt=false

Once the above steps are done and all the pods are up in both the clusters. We are ready for installing envoy gateway.

Install EnvoyGateway

Install the Gateway API CRDs and Envoy Gateway in cluster1:

helm install eg oci:// --version v1.1.2 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster1

Wait for Envoy Gateway to become available:

kubectl wait --timeout=5m -n envoy-gateway-system deployment/envoy-gateway --for=condition=Available --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster1

Install Application

Install the backend application in cluster2 and export it through subctl command.

kubectl apply -f --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster2
subctl export service backend --namespace default --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster2

Create Gateway API Objects

Create the Gateway API objects GatewayClass, Gateway and HTTPRoute in cluster1 to set up the routing.

kubectl apply -f --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster1

Testing the Configuration

Get the name of the Envoy service created the by the example Gateway:

export ENVOY_SERVICE=$(kubectl get svc -n envoy-gateway-system, -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Port forward to the Envoy service:

kubectl -n envoy-gateway-system port-forward service/${ENVOY_SERVICE} 8888:80 &

Curl the example app through Envoy proxy:

curl --verbose --header "Host:" http://localhost:8888/get

Last modified October 17, 2024: api: direct response (#4334) (5375cf0)