JWT Authentication

This task provides instructions for configuring JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. JWT authentication checks if an incoming request has a valid JWT before routing the request to a backend service. Currently, Envoy Gateway only supports validating a JWT from an HTTP header, e.g. Authorization: Bearer <token>.

Envoy Gateway introduces a new CRD called SecurityPolicy that allows the user to configure JWT authentication. This instantiated resource can be linked to a Gateway, HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute resource.


Follow the steps from the Quickstart to install Envoy Gateway and the example manifest. For GRPC - follow the steps from the GRPC Routing example. Before proceeding, you should be able to query the example backend using HTTP or GRPC.


Allow requests with a valid JWT by creating an SecurityPolicy and attaching it to the example HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute.


kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/envoyproxy/gateway/latest/examples/kubernetes/jwt/jwt.yaml

Two HTTPRoute has been created, one for /foo and another for /bar. A SecurityPolicy has been created and targeted HTTPRoute foo to authenticate requests for /foo. The HTTPRoute bar is not targeted by the SecurityPolicy and will allow
unauthenticated requests to /bar.

Verify the HTTPRoute configuration and status:

kubectl get httproute/foo -o yaml
kubectl get httproute/bar -o yaml

The SecurityPolicy is configured for JWT authentication and uses a single JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) provider for authenticating the JWT.

Verify the SecurityPolicy configuration:

kubectl get securitypolicy/jwt-example -o yaml


kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/envoyproxy/gateway/latest/examples/kubernetes/jwt/grpc-jwt.yaml

A SecurityPolicy has been created and targeted GRPCRoute yages to authenticate all requests for yages service..

Verify the GRPCRoute configuration and status:

kubectl get grpcroute/yages -o yaml

The SecurityPolicy is configured for JWT authentication and uses a single JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) provider for authenticating the JWT.

Verify the SecurityPolicy configuration:

kubectl get securitypolicy/jwt-example -o yaml


Ensure the GATEWAY_HOST environment variable from the Quickstart is set. If not, follow the Quickstart instructions to set the variable.



Verify that requests to /foo are denied without a JWT:

curl -sS -o /dev/null -H "Host: www.example.com" -w "%{http_code}\n" http://$GATEWAY_HOST/foo

A 401 HTTP response code should be returned.

Get the JWT used for testing request authentication:

TOKEN=$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/envoyproxy/gateway/main/examples/kubernetes/jwt/test.jwt -s) && echo "$TOKEN" | cut -d '.' -f2 - | base64 --decode

Note: The above command decodes and returns the token’s payload. You can replace f2 with f1 to view the token’s header.

Verify that a request to /foo with a valid JWT is allowed:

curl -sS -o /dev/null -H "Host: www.example.com" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -w "%{http_code}\n" http://$GATEWAY_HOST/foo

A 200 HTTP response code should be returned.

Verify that requests to /bar are allowed without a JWT:

curl -sS -o /dev/null -H "Host: www.example.com" -w "%{http_code}\n" http://$GATEWAY_HOST/bar


Verify that requests to yagesservice are denied without a JWT:

grpcurl -plaintext -authority=grpc-example.com ${GATEWAY_HOST}:80 yages.Echo/Ping

You should see the below response

Error invoking method "yages.Echo/Ping": rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = failed to query for service descriptor "yages.Echo": Jwt is missing

Get the JWT used for testing request authentication:

TOKEN=$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/envoyproxy/gateway/main/examples/kubernetes/jwt/test.jwt -s) && echo "$TOKEN" | cut -d '.' -f2 - | base64 --decode

Note: The above command decodes and returns the token’s payload. You can replace f2 with f1 to view the token’s header.

Verify that a request to yages service with a valid JWT is allowed:

grpcurl -plaintext -H "authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -authority=grpc-example.com ${GATEWAY_HOST}:80 yages.Echo/Ping

You should see the below response

  "text": "pong"


Follow the steps from the Quickstart to uninstall Envoy Gateway and the example manifest.

Delete the SecurityPolicy:

kubectl delete securitypolicy/jwt-example

Next Steps

Checkout the Developer Guide to get involved in the project.

Last modified October 17, 2024: api: direct response (#4334) (5375cf0)