Install with Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that automates the release and management of software on Kubernetes.

Envoy Gateway can be installed via a Helm chart with a few simple steps, depending on if you are deploying for the first time, upgrading Envoy Gateway from an existing installation, or migrating from Envoy Gateway.

Before you begin

The Envoy Gateway Helm chart is hosted by DockerHub.

It is published at oci://

Install with Helm

Envoy Gateway is typically deployed to Kubernetes from the command line. If you don’t have Kubernetes, you should use kind to create one.

Install the Gateway API CRDs and Envoy Gateway:

helm install eg oci:// --version v1.1.2 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace

Wait for Envoy Gateway to become available:

kubectl wait --timeout=5m -n envoy-gateway-system deployment/envoy-gateway --for=condition=Available

Install the GatewayClass, Gateway, HTTPRoute and example app:

kubectl apply -f -n default

Note: quickstart.yaml defines that Envoy Gateway will listen for traffic on port 80 on its globally-routable IP address, to make it easy to use browsers to test Envoy Gateway. When Envoy Gateway sees that its Listener is using a privileged port (<1024), it will map this internally to an unprivileged port, so that Envoy Gateway doesn’t need additional privileges. It’s important to be aware of this mapping, since you may need to take it into consideration when debugging.

Helm chart customizations

Some of the quick ways of using the helm install command for envoy gateway installation are below.

Increase the replicas

helm install eg oci:// --version v1.1.2 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace --set deployment.replicas=2

Change the kubernetesClusterDomain name

If you have installed your cluster with different domain name you can use below command.

helm install eg oci:// --version v1.1.2 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace --set kubernetesClusterDomain=<domain name>

Note: Above are some of the ways we can directly use for customization of our installation. But if you are looking for more complex changes values.yaml comes to rescue.

Using values.yaml file for complex installation

        cpu: 700m
        memory: 128Mi
        cpu: 10m
        memory: 64Mi
    - name: grpc
      port: 18005
      targetPort: 18000
    - name: ratelimit
      port: 18006
      targetPort: 18001

        default: debug

Here we have made three changes to our values.yaml file. Increase the resources limit for cpu to 700m, changed the port for grpc to 18005 and for ratelimit to 18006 and also updated the logging level to debug.

You can use the below command to install the envoy gateway using values.yaml file.

helm install eg oci:// --version v1.1.2 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace -f values.yaml

Open Ports

These are the ports used by Envoy Gateway and the managed Envoy Proxy.

Envoy Gateway

Envoy GatewayAddressPortConfigurable
Xds EnvoyProxy Server0.0.0.018000No
Xds RateLimit Server0.0.0.018001No
Admin Server127.0.0.119000Yes
Metrics Server0.0.0.019001No
Health Check127.0.0.18081No


Envoy ProxyAddressPort
Admin Server127.0.0.119000
Heath Check0.0.0.019001

Last modified October 17, 2024: api: direct response (#4334) (5375cf0)