API Reference



Package v1alpha1 contains API schema definitions for the gateway.envoyproxy.io API group.

Resource Types


Underlying type: string

ALPNProtocol specifies the protocol to be negotiated using ALPN

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ActiveHealthCheck defines the active health check configuration. EG supports various types of active health checking including HTTP, TCP.

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timeoutDurationfalseTimeout defines the time to wait for a health check response.
intervalDurationfalseInterval defines the time between active health checks.
unhealthyThresholdintegerfalseUnhealthyThreshold defines the number of unhealthy health checks required before a backend host is marked unhealthy.
healthyThresholdintegerfalseHealthyThreshold defines the number of healthy health checks required before a backend host is marked healthy.
typeActiveHealthCheckerTypetrueType defines the type of health checker.
httpHTTPActiveHealthCheckerfalseHTTP defines the configuration of http health checker. It’s required while the health checker type is HTTP.
tcpTCPActiveHealthCheckerfalseTCP defines the configuration of tcp health checker. It’s required while the health checker type is TCP.


ActiveHealthCheckPayload defines the encoding of the payload bytes in the payload.

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typeActiveHealthCheckPayloadTypetrueType defines the type of the payload.
textstringfalseText payload in plain text.
binaryinteger arrayfalseBinary payload base64 encoded.


Underlying type: string

ActiveHealthCheckPayloadType is the type of the payload.

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Underlying type: string

ActiveHealthCheckerType is the type of health checker.

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baseIntervalDurationtrueBaseInterval is the base interval between retries.
maxIntervalDurationfalseMaxInterval is the maximum interval between retries. This parameter is optional, but must be greater than or equal to the base_interval if set. The default is 10 times the base_interval


BackendTrafficPolicy allows the user to configure the behavior of the connection between the Envoy Proxy listener and the backend service.

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metadataObjectMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
specBackendTrafficPolicySpectruespec defines the desired state of BackendTrafficPolicy.


BackendTrafficPolicyList contains a list of BackendTrafficPolicy resources.

metadataListMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
itemsBackendTrafficPolicy arraytrue


spec defines the desired state of BackendTrafficPolicy.

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targetRefPolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionNametruetargetRef is the name of the resource this policy is being attached to. This Policy and the TargetRef MUST be in the same namespace for this Policy to have effect and be applied to the Gateway.
rateLimitRateLimitSpecfalseRateLimit allows the user to limit the number of incoming requests to a predefined value based on attributes within the traffic flow.
loadBalancerLoadBalancerfalseLoadBalancer policy to apply when routing traffic from the gateway to the backend endpoints
proxyProtocolProxyProtocolfalseProxyProtocol enables the Proxy Protocol when communicating with the backend.
tcpKeepaliveTCPKeepalivefalseTcpKeepalive settings associated with the upstream client connection. Disabled by default.
healthCheckHealthCheckfalseHealthCheck allows gateway to perform active health checking on backends.
faultInjectionFaultInjectionfalseFaultInjection defines the fault injection policy to be applied. This configuration can be used to inject delays and abort requests to mimic failure scenarios such as service failures and overloads
circuitBreakerCircuitBreakerfalseCircuit Breaker settings for the upstream connections and requests. If not set, circuit breakers will be enabled with the default thresholds
retryRetryfalseRetry provides more advanced usage, allowing users to customize the number of retries, retry fallback strategy, and retry triggering conditions. If not set, retry will be disabled.
timeoutTimeoutfalseTimeout settings for the backend connections.
compressionCompression arrayfalseThe compression config for the http streams.


BasicAuth defines the configuration for the HTTP Basic Authentication.

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usersSecretObjectReferencetrueThe Kubernetes secret which contains the username-password pairs in htpasswd format, used to verify user credentials in the “Authorization” header.

This is an Opaque secret. The username-password pairs should be stored in the key “.htpasswd”. As the key name indicates, the value needs to be the htpasswd format, for example: “user1:{SHA}hashed_user1_password”. Right now, only SHA hash algorithm is supported. Reference to https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/programs/htpasswd.html for more details.

Note: The secret must be in the same namespace as the SecurityPolicy.


Underlying type: string

BootstrapType defines the types of bootstrap supported by Envoy Gateway.

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CORS defines the configuration for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

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allowOriginsOrigin arraytrueAllowOrigins defines the origins that are allowed to make requests.
allowMethodsstring arraytrueAllowMethods defines the methods that are allowed to make requests.
allowHeadersstring arraytrueAllowHeaders defines the headers that are allowed to be sent with requests.
exposeHeadersstring arraytrueExposeHeaders defines the headers that can be exposed in the responses.
maxAgeDurationtrueMaxAge defines how long the results of a preflight request can be cached.
allowCredentialsbooleantrueAllowCredentials indicates whether a request can include user credentials like cookies, authentication headers, or TLS client certificates.


CircuitBreaker defines the Circuit Breaker configuration.

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maxConnectionsintegerfalseThe maximum number of connections that Envoy will establish to the referenced backend defined within a xRoute rule.
maxPendingRequestsintegerfalseThe maximum number of pending requests that Envoy will queue to the referenced backend defined within a xRoute rule.
maxParallelRequestsintegerfalseThe maximum number of parallel requests that Envoy will make to the referenced backend defined within a xRoute rule.
maxParallelRetriesintegerfalseThe maximum number of parallel retries that Envoy will make to the referenced backend defined within a xRoute rule.
maxRequestsPerConnectionintegerfalseThe maximum number of requests that Envoy will make over a single connection to the referenced backend defined within a xRoute rule. Default: unlimited.


ClaimToHeader defines a configuration to convert JWT claims into HTTP headers

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headerstringtrueHeader defines the name of the HTTP request header that the JWT Claim will be saved into.
claimstringtrueClaim is the JWT Claim that should be saved into the header : it can be a nested claim of type (eg. “claim.nested.key”, “sub”). The nested claim name must use dot “.” to separate the JSON name path.


ClientIPDetectionSettings provides configuration for determining the original client IP address for requests.

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xForwardedForXForwardedForSettingsfalseXForwardedForSettings provides configuration for using X-Forwarded-For headers for determining the client IP address.
customHeaderCustomHeaderExtensionSettingsfalseCustomHeader provides configuration for determining the client IP address for a request based on a trusted custom HTTP header. This uses the the custom_header original IP detection extension. Refer to https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/http/original_ip_detection/custom_header/v3/custom_header.proto for more details.


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httpHTTPClientTimeoutfalseTimeout settings for HTTP.


ClientTrafficPolicy allows the user to configure the behavior of the connection between the downstream client and Envoy Proxy listener.

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metadataObjectMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
specClientTrafficPolicySpectrueSpec defines the desired state of ClientTrafficPolicy.


ClientTrafficPolicyList contains a list of ClientTrafficPolicy resources.

metadataListMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
itemsClientTrafficPolicy arraytrue


ClientTrafficPolicySpec defines the desired state of ClientTrafficPolicy.

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targetRefPolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionNametrueTargetRef is the name of the Gateway resource this policy is being attached to. This Policy and the TargetRef MUST be in the same namespace for this Policy to have effect and be applied to the Gateway. TargetRef
tcpKeepaliveTCPKeepalivefalseTcpKeepalive settings associated with the downstream client connection. If defined, sets SO_KEEPALIVE on the listener socket to enable TCP Keepalives. Disabled by default.
enableProxyProtocolbooleanfalseEnableProxyProtocol interprets the ProxyProtocol header and adds the Client Address into the X-Forwarded-For header. Note Proxy Protocol must be present when this field is set, else the connection is closed.
clientIPDetectionClientIPDetectionSettingsfalseClientIPDetectionSettings provides configuration for determining the original client IP address for requests.
http3HTTP3SettingsfalseHTTP3 provides HTTP/3 configuration on the listener.
tlsTLSSettingsfalseTLS settings configure TLS termination settings with the downstream client.
pathPathSettingsfalsePath enables managing how the incoming path set by clients can be normalized.
http1HTTP1SettingsfalseHTTP1 provides HTTP/1 configuration on the listener.
headersHeaderSettingsfalseHeaderSettings provides configuration for header management.
timeoutClientTimeoutfalseTimeout settings for the client connections.


ClientValidationContext holds configuration that can be used to validate the client initiating the TLS connection to the Gateway. By default, no client specific configuration is validated.

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caCertificateRefsSecretObjectReference arrayfalseCACertificateRefs contains one or more references to Kubernetes objects that contain TLS certificates of the Certificate Authorities that can be used as a trust anchor to validate the certificates presented by the client.

A single reference to a Kubernetes ConfigMap or a Kubernetes Secret, with the CA certificate in a key named ca.crt is currently supported.

References to a resource in different namespace are invalid UNLESS there is a ReferenceGrant in the target namespace that allows the certificate to be attached.


Compression defines the config of enabling compression. This can help reduce the bandwidth at the expense of higher CPU.

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typeCompressorTypetrueCompressorType defines the compressor type to use for compression.
gzipGzipCompressorfalseThe configuration for GZIP compressor.


Underlying type: string

CompressorType defines the types of compressor library supported by Envoy Gateway.

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ConsistentHash defines the configuration related to the consistent hash load balancer policy

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Underlying type: string

ConsistentHashType defines the type of input to hash on.

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CustomHeader provides configuration for determining the client IP address for a request based on a trusted custom HTTP header. This uses the the custom_header original IP detection extension. Refer to https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/http/original_ip_detection/custom_header/v3/custom_header.proto for more details.

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namestringtrueName of the header containing the original downstream remote address, if present.
failClosedbooleanfalseFailClosed is a switch used to control the flow of traffic when client IP detection fails. If set to true, the listener will respond with 403 Forbidden when the client IP address cannot be determined.


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typeCustomTagTypetrueType defines the type of custom tag.
literalLiteralCustomTagtrueLiteral adds hard-coded value to each span. It’s required when the type is “Literal”.
environmentEnvironmentCustomTagtrueEnvironment adds value from environment variable to each span. It’s required when the type is “Environment”.
requestHeaderRequestHeaderCustomTagtrueRequestHeader adds value from request header to each span. It’s required when the type is “RequestHeader”.


Underlying type: string

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EnvironmentCustomTag adds value from environment variable to each span.

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namestringtrueName defines the name of the environment variable which to extract the value from.
defaultValuestringfalseDefaultValue defines the default value to use if the environment variable is not set.


EnvoyGateway is the schema for the envoygateways API.

gatewayGatewayfalseGateway defines desired Gateway API specific configuration. If unset, default configuration parameters will apply.
providerEnvoyGatewayProviderfalseProvider defines the desired provider and provider-specific configuration. If unspecified, the Kubernetes provider is used with default configuration parameters.
loggingEnvoyGatewayLoggingfalseLogging defines logging parameters for Envoy Gateway.
adminEnvoyGatewayAdminfalseAdmin defines the desired admin related abilities. If unspecified, the Admin is used with default configuration parameters.
telemetryEnvoyGatewayTelemetryfalseTelemetry defines the desired control plane telemetry related abilities. If unspecified, the telemetry is used with default configuration.
rateLimitRateLimitfalseRateLimit defines the configuration associated with the Rate Limit service deployed by Envoy Gateway required to implement the Global Rate limiting functionality. The specific rate limit service used here is the reference implementation in Envoy. For more details visit https://github.com/envoyproxy/ratelimit. This configuration is unneeded for “Local” rate limiting.
extensionManagerExtensionManagerfalseExtensionManager defines an extension manager to register for the Envoy Gateway Control Plane.
extensionApisExtensionAPISettingsfalseExtensionAPIs defines the settings related to specific Gateway API Extensions implemented by Envoy Gateway


EnvoyGatewayAdmin defines the Envoy Gateway Admin configuration.

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addressEnvoyGatewayAdminAddressfalseAddress defines the address of Envoy Gateway Admin Server.
enableDumpConfigbooleanfalseEnableDumpConfig defines if enable dump config in Envoy Gateway logs.
enablePprofbooleanfalseEnablePprof defines if enable pprof in Envoy Gateway Admin Server.


EnvoyGatewayAdminAddress defines the Envoy Gateway Admin Address configuration.

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portintegerfalsePort defines the port the admin server is exposed on.
hoststringfalseHost defines the admin server hostname.


EnvoyGatewayCustomProvider defines configuration for the Custom provider.

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resourceEnvoyGatewayResourceProvidertrueResource defines the desired resource provider. This provider is used to specify the provider to be used to retrieve the resource configurations such as Gateway API resources
infrastructureEnvoyGatewayInfrastructureProvidertrueInfrastructure defines the desired infrastructure provider. This provider is used to specify the provider to be used to provide an environment to deploy the out resources like the Envoy Proxy data plane.


EnvoyGatewayFileResourceProvider defines configuration for the File Resource provider.

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pathsstring arraytruePaths are the paths to a directory or file containing the resource configuration. Recursive sub directories are not currently supported.


EnvoyGatewayHostInfrastructureProvider defines configuration for the Host Infrastructure provider.

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EnvoyGatewayInfrastructureProvider defines configuration for the Custom Infrastructure provider.

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typeInfrastructureProviderTypetrueType is the type of infrastructure providers to use. Supported types are “Host”.
hostEnvoyGatewayHostInfrastructureProviderfalseHost defines the configuration of the Host provider. Host provides runtime deployment of the data plane as a child process on the host environment.


EnvoyGatewayKubernetesProvider defines configuration for the Kubernetes provider.

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rateLimitDeploymentKubernetesDeploymentSpecfalseRateLimitDeployment defines the desired state of the Envoy ratelimit deployment resource. If unspecified, default settings for the managed Envoy ratelimit deployment resource are applied.
watchKubernetesWatchModefalseWatch holds configuration of which input resources should be watched and reconciled.
deployKubernetesDeployModefalseDeploy holds configuration of how output managed resources such as the Envoy Proxy data plane should be deployed
overwriteControlPlaneCertsbooleanfalseOverwriteControlPlaneCerts updates the secrets containing the control plane certs, when set.


Underlying type: string

EnvoyGatewayLogComponent defines a component that supports a configured logging level.

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EnvoyGatewayLogging defines logging for Envoy Gateway.

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levelobject (keys:EnvoyGatewayLogComponent, values:LogLevel)trueLevel is the logging level. If unspecified, defaults to “info”. EnvoyGatewayLogComponent options: default/provider/gateway-api/xds-translator/xds-server/infrastructure/global-ratelimit. LogLevel options: debug/info/error/warn.


EnvoyGatewayMetricSink defines control plane metric sinks where metrics are sent to.

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typeMetricSinkTypetrueType defines the metric sink type. EG control plane currently supports OpenTelemetry.
openTelemetryEnvoyGatewayOpenTelemetrySinktrueOpenTelemetry defines the configuration for OpenTelemetry sink. It’s required if the sink type is OpenTelemetry.


EnvoyGatewayMetrics defines control plane push/pull metrics configurations.

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sinksEnvoyGatewayMetricSink arraytrueSinks defines the metric sinks where metrics are sent to.
prometheusEnvoyGatewayPrometheusProvidertruePrometheus defines the configuration for prometheus endpoint.


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hoststringtrueHost define the sink service hostname.
protocolstringtrueProtocol define the sink service protocol.
portintegerfalsePort defines the port the sink service is exposed on.


EnvoyGatewayPrometheusProvider will expose prometheus endpoint in pull mode.

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disablebooleantrueDisable defines if disables the prometheus metrics in pull mode.


EnvoyGatewayProvider defines the desired configuration of a provider.

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typeProviderTypetrueType is the type of provider to use. Supported types are “Kubernetes”.
kubernetesEnvoyGatewayKubernetesProviderfalseKubernetes defines the configuration of the Kubernetes provider. Kubernetes provides runtime configuration via the Kubernetes API.
customEnvoyGatewayCustomProviderfalseCustom defines the configuration for the Custom provider. This provider allows you to define a specific resource provider and a infrastructure provider.


EnvoyGatewayResourceProvider defines configuration for the Custom Resource provider.

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typeResourceProviderTypetrueType is the type of resource provider to use. Supported types are “File”.
fileEnvoyGatewayFileResourceProviderfalseFile defines the configuration of the File provider. File provides runtime configuration defined by one or more files.


EnvoyGatewaySpec defines the desired state of Envoy Gateway.

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gatewayGatewayfalseGateway defines desired Gateway API specific configuration. If unset, default configuration parameters will apply.
providerEnvoyGatewayProviderfalseProvider defines the desired provider and provider-specific configuration. If unspecified, the Kubernetes provider is used with default configuration parameters.
loggingEnvoyGatewayLoggingfalseLogging defines logging parameters for Envoy Gateway.
adminEnvoyGatewayAdminfalseAdmin defines the desired admin related abilities. If unspecified, the Admin is used with default configuration parameters.
telemetryEnvoyGatewayTelemetryfalseTelemetry defines the desired control plane telemetry related abilities. If unspecified, the telemetry is used with default configuration.
rateLimitRateLimitfalseRateLimit defines the configuration associated with the Rate Limit service deployed by Envoy Gateway required to implement the Global Rate limiting functionality. The specific rate limit service used here is the reference implementation in Envoy. For more details visit https://github.com/envoyproxy/ratelimit. This configuration is unneeded for “Local” rate limiting.
extensionManagerExtensionManagerfalseExtensionManager defines an extension manager to register for the Envoy Gateway Control Plane.
extensionApisExtensionAPISettingsfalseExtensionAPIs defines the settings related to specific Gateway API Extensions implemented by Envoy Gateway


EnvoyGatewayTelemetry defines telemetry configurations for envoy gateway control plane. Control plane will focus on metrics observability telemetry and tracing telemetry later.

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metricsEnvoyGatewayMetricstrueMetrics defines metrics configuration for envoy gateway.


EnvoyJSONPatchConfig defines the configuration for patching a Envoy xDS Resource using JSONPatch semantic

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typeEnvoyResourceTypetrueType is the typed URL of the Envoy xDS Resource
namestringtrueName is the name of the resource
operationJSONPatchOperationtruePatch defines the JSON Patch Operation


EnvoyPatchPolicy allows the user to modify the generated Envoy xDS resources by Envoy Gateway using this patch API

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metadataObjectMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
specEnvoyPatchPolicySpectrueSpec defines the desired state of EnvoyPatchPolicy.


EnvoyPatchPolicyList contains a list of EnvoyPatchPolicy resources.

metadataListMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
itemsEnvoyPatchPolicy arraytrue


EnvoyPatchPolicySpec defines the desired state of EnvoyPatchPolicy.

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typeEnvoyPatchTypetrueType decides the type of patch. Valid EnvoyPatchType values are “JSONPatch”.
jsonPatchesEnvoyJSONPatchConfig arrayfalseJSONPatch defines the JSONPatch configuration.
targetRefPolicyTargetReferencetrueTargetRef is the name of the Gateway API resource this policy is being attached to. By default attaching to Gateway is supported and when mergeGateways is enabled it should attach to GatewayClass. This Policy and the TargetRef MUST be in the same namespace for this Policy to have effect and be applied to the Gateway TargetRef
priorityintegertruePriority of the EnvoyPatchPolicy. If multiple EnvoyPatchPolicies are applied to the same TargetRef, they will be applied in the ascending order of the priority i.e. int32.min has the highest priority and int32.max has the lowest priority. Defaults to 0.


Underlying type: string

EnvoyPatchType specifies the types of Envoy patching mechanisms.

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EnvoyProxy is the schema for the envoyproxies API.

metadataObjectMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
specEnvoyProxySpectrueEnvoyProxySpec defines the desired state of EnvoyProxy.


EnvoyProxyKubernetesProvider defines configuration for the Kubernetes resource provider.

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envoyDeploymentKubernetesDeploymentSpecfalseEnvoyDeployment defines the desired state of the Envoy deployment resource. If unspecified, default settings for the managed Envoy deployment resource are applied.
envoyServiceKubernetesServiceSpecfalseEnvoyService defines the desired state of the Envoy service resource. If unspecified, default settings for the managed Envoy service resource are applied.
envoyHpaKubernetesHorizontalPodAutoscalerSpecfalseEnvoyHpa defines the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler settings for Envoy Proxy Deployment. Once the HPA is being set, Replicas field from EnvoyDeployment will be ignored.


EnvoyProxyProvider defines the desired state of a resource provider.

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typeProviderTypetrueType is the type of resource provider to use. A resource provider provides infrastructure resources for running the data plane, e.g. Envoy proxy, and optional auxiliary control planes. Supported types are “Kubernetes”.
kubernetesEnvoyProxyKubernetesProviderfalseKubernetes defines the desired state of the Kubernetes resource provider. Kubernetes provides infrastructure resources for running the data plane, e.g. Envoy proxy. If unspecified and type is “Kubernetes”, default settings for managed Kubernetes resources are applied.


EnvoyProxySpec defines the desired state of EnvoyProxy.

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providerEnvoyProxyProviderfalseProvider defines the desired resource provider and provider-specific configuration. If unspecified, the “Kubernetes” resource provider is used with default configuration parameters.
loggingProxyLoggingtrueLogging defines logging parameters for managed proxies.
telemetryProxyTelemetryfalseTelemetry defines telemetry parameters for managed proxies.
bootstrapProxyBootstrapfalseBootstrap defines the Envoy Bootstrap as a YAML string. Visit https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/bootstrap/v3/bootstrap.proto#envoy-v3-api-msg-config-bootstrap-v3-bootstrap to learn more about the syntax. If set, this is the Bootstrap configuration used for the managed Envoy Proxy fleet instead of the default Bootstrap configuration set by Envoy Gateway. Some fields within the Bootstrap that are required to communicate with the xDS Server (Envoy Gateway) and receive xDS resources from it are not configurable and will result in the EnvoyProxy resource being rejected. Backward compatibility across minor versions is not guaranteed. We strongly recommend using egctl x translate to generate a EnvoyProxy resource with the Bootstrap field set to the default Bootstrap configuration used. You can edit this configuration, and rerun egctl x translate to ensure there are no validation errors.
concurrencyintegerfalseConcurrency defines the number of worker threads to run. If unset, it defaults to the number of cpuset threads on the platform.
extraArgsstring arrayfalseExtraArgs defines additional command line options that are provided to Envoy. More info: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/operations/cli#command-line-options Note: some command line options are used internally(e.g. –log-level) so they cannot be provided here.
mergeGatewaysbooleanfalseMergeGateways defines if Gateway resources should be merged onto the same Envoy Proxy Infrastructure. Setting this field to true would merge all Gateway Listeners under the parent Gateway Class. This means that the port, protocol and hostname tuple must be unique for every listener. If a duplicate listener is detected, the newer listener (based on timestamp) will be rejected and its status will be updated with a “Accepted=False” condition.
shutdownShutdownConfigfalseShutdown defines configuration for graceful envoy shutdown process.


Underlying type: string

EnvoyResourceType specifies the type URL of the Envoy resource.

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ExtAuth defines the configuration for External Authorization.

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grpcGRPCExtAuthServicetrueGRPC defines the gRPC External Authorization service. Either GRPCService or HTTPService must be specified, and only one of them can be provided.
httpHTTPExtAuthServicetrueHTTP defines the HTTP External Authorization service. Either GRPCService or HTTPService must be specified, and only one of them can be provided.
headersToExtAuthstring arrayfalseHeadersToExtAuth defines the client request headers that will be included in the request to the external authorization service. Note: If not specified, the default behavior for gRPC and HTTP external authorization services is different due to backward compatibility reasons. All headers will be included in the check request to a gRPC authorization server. Only the following headers will be included in the check request to an HTTP authorization server: Host, Method, Path, Content-Length, and Authorization. And these headers will always be included to the check request to an HTTP authorization server by default, no matter whether they are specified in HeadersToExtAuth or not.


ExtensionAPISettings defines the settings specific to Gateway API Extensions.

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enableEnvoyPatchPolicybooleantrueEnableEnvoyPatchPolicy enables Envoy Gateway to reconcile and implement the EnvoyPatchPolicy resources.


ExtensionHooks defines extension hooks across all supported runners

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xdsTranslatorXDSTranslatorHookstrueXDSTranslator defines all the supported extension hooks for the xds-translator runner


ExtensionManager defines the configuration for registering an extension manager to the Envoy Gateway control plane.

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resourcesGroupVersionKind arrayfalseResources defines the set of K8s resources the extension will handle.
hooksExtensionHookstrueHooks defines the set of hooks the extension supports
serviceExtensionServicetrueService defines the configuration of the extension service that the Envoy Gateway Control Plane will call through extension hooks.


ExtensionService defines the configuration for connecting to a registered extension service.

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hoststringtrueHost define the extension service hostname.
portintegerfalsePort defines the port the extension service is exposed on.
tlsExtensionTLSfalseTLS defines TLS configuration for communication between Envoy Gateway and the extension service.


ExtensionTLS defines the TLS configuration when connecting to an extension service

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certificateRefSecretObjectReferencetrueCertificateRef contains a references to objects (Kubernetes objects or otherwise) that contains a TLS certificate and private keys. These certificates are used to establish a TLS handshake to the extension server.

CertificateRef can only reference a Kubernetes Secret at this time.


FaultInjection defines the fault injection policy to be applied. This configuration can be used to inject delays and abort requests to mimic failure scenarios such as service failures and overloads

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delayFaultInjectionDelayfalseIf specified, a delay will be injected into the request.
abortFaultInjectionAbortfalseIf specified, the request will be aborted if it meets the configuration criteria.


FaultInjectionAbort defines the abort fault injection configuration

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httpStatusintegerfalseStatusCode specifies the HTTP status code to be returned
grpcStatusintegerfalseGrpcStatus specifies the GRPC status code to be returned
percentagefloatfalsePercentage specifies the percentage of requests to be aborted. Default 100%, if set 0, no requests will be aborted. Accuracy to 0.0001%.


FaultInjectionDelay defines the delay fault injection configuration

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fixedDelayDurationtrueFixedDelay specifies the fixed delay duration
percentagefloatfalsePercentage specifies the percentage of requests to be delayed. Default 100%, if set 0, no requests will be delayed. Accuracy to 0.0001%.


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pathstringtruePath defines the file path used to expose envoy access log(e.g. /dev/stdout).


GRPCExtAuthService defines the gRPC External Authorization service The authorization request message is defined in https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/service/auth/v3/external_auth.proto

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backendRefBackendObjectReferencetrueBackendRef references a Kubernetes object that represents the backend server to which the authorization request will be sent. Only service Kind is supported for now.


Gateway defines the desired Gateway API configuration of Envoy Gateway.

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controllerNamestringfalseControllerName defines the name of the Gateway API controller. If unspecified, defaults to “gateway.envoyproxy.io/gatewayclass-controller”. See the following for additional details: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayClass


GlobalRateLimit defines global rate limit configuration.

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rulesRateLimitRule arraytrueRules are a list of RateLimit selectors and limits. Each rule and its associated limit is applied in a mutually exclusive way. If a request matches multiple rules, each of their associated limits get applied, so a single request might increase the rate limit counters for multiple rules if selected. The rate limit service will return a logical OR of the individual rate limit decisions of all matching rules. For example, if a request matches two rules, one rate limited and one not, the final decision will be to rate limit the request.


GroupVersionKind unambiguously identifies a Kind. It can be converted to k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema.GroupVersionKind

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GzipCompressor defines the config for the Gzip compressor. The default values can be found here: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/compression/gzip/compressor/v3/gzip.proto#extension-envoy-compression-gzip-compressor

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HTTP10Settings provides HTTP/1.0 configuration on the listener.

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useDefaultHostbooleanfalseUseDefaultHost defines if the HTTP/1.0 request is missing the Host header, then the hostname associated with the listener should be injected into the request. If this is not set and an HTTP/1.0 request arrives without a host, then it will be rejected.


HTTP1Settings provides HTTP/1 configuration on the listener.

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enableTrailersbooleanfalseEnableTrailers defines if HTTP/1 trailers should be proxied by Envoy.
preserveHeaderCasebooleanfalsePreserveHeaderCase defines if Envoy should preserve the letter case of headers. By default, Envoy will lowercase all the headers.
http10HTTP10SettingsfalseHTTP10 turns on support for HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/0.9 requests.


HTTP3Settings provides HTTP/3 configuration on the listener.

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HTTPActiveHealthChecker defines the settings of http health check.

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pathstringtruePath defines the HTTP path that will be requested during health checking.
methodstringfalseMethod defines the HTTP method used for health checking. Defaults to GET
expectedStatusesHTTPStatus arrayfalseExpectedStatuses defines a list of HTTP response statuses considered healthy. Defaults to 200 only
expectedResponseActiveHealthCheckPayloadfalseExpectedResponse defines a list of HTTP expected responses to match.


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requestReceivedTimeoutDurationfalseThe duration envoy waits for the complete request reception. This timer starts upon request initiation and stops when either the last byte of the request is sent upstream or when the response begins.


HTTPExtAuthService defines the HTTP External Authorization service

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backendRefBackendObjectReferencetrueBackendRef references a Kubernetes object that represents the backend server to which the authorization request will be sent. Only service Kind is supported for now.
pathstringtruePath is the path of the HTTP External Authorization service. If path is specified, the authorization request will be sent to that path, or else the authorization request will be sent to the root path.
headersToBackendstring arrayfalseHeadersToBackend are the authorization response headers that will be added to the original client request before sending it to the backend server. Note that coexisting headers will be overridden. If not specified, no authorization response headers will be added to the original client request.


Underlying type: integer

HTTPStatus defines the http status code.

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connectionIdleTimeoutDurationfalseThe idle timeout for an HTTP connection. Idle time is defined as a period in which there are no active requests in the connection. Default: 1 hour.
maxConnectionDurationDurationfalseThe maximum duration of an HTTP connection. Default: unlimited.


Underlying type: string

HeaderMatchType specifies the semantics of how HTTP header values should be compared. Valid HeaderMatchType values are “Exact”, “RegularExpression”, and “Distinct”.

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HeaderSettings providess configuration options for headers on the listener.

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enableEnvoyHeadersbooleanfalseEnableEnvoyHeaders configures Envoy Proxy to add the “X-Envoy-” headers to requests and responses.


HealthCheck configuration to decide which endpoints are healthy and can be used for routing.

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activeActiveHealthCheckfalseActive health check configuration
passivePassiveHealthCheckfalsePassive passive check configuration


Underlying type: string

InfrastructureProviderType defines the types of custom infrastructure providers supported by Envoy Gateway.

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JSONPatchOperation defines the JSON Patch Operation as defined in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6902

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opJSONPatchOperationTypetrueOp is the type of operation to perform
pathstringtruePath is the location of the target document/field where the operation will be performed Refer to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6901 for more details.
fromstringfalseFrom is the source location of the value to be copied or moved. Only valid for move or copy operations Refer to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6901 for more details.
valueJSONfalseValue is the new value of the path location. The value is only used by the add and replace operations.


Underlying type: string

JSONPatchOperationType specifies the JSON Patch operations that can be performed.

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JWT defines the configuration for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.

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providersJWTProvider arraytrueProviders defines the JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication provider type. When multiple JWT providers are specified, the JWT is considered valid if any of the providers successfully validate the JWT. For additional details, see https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/configuration/http/http_filters/jwt_authn_filter.html.


JWTExtractor defines a custom JWT token extraction from HTTP request. If specified, Envoy will extract the JWT token from the listed extractors (headers, cookies, or params) and validate each of them. If any value extracted is found to be an invalid JWT, a 401 error will be returned.

Appears in:

headersJWTHeaderExtractor arrayfalseHeaders represents a list of HTTP request headers to extract the JWT token from.
cookiesstring arrayfalseCookies represents a list of cookie names to extract the JWT token from.
paramsstring arrayfalseParams represents a list of query parameters to extract the JWT token from.


JWTHeaderExtractor defines an HTTP header location to extract JWT token

Appears in:

namestringtrueName is the HTTP header name to retrieve the token
valuePrefixstringfalseValuePrefix is the prefix that should be stripped before extracting the token. The format would be used by Envoy like “{ValuePrefix}”. For example, “Authorization: Bearer ”, then the ValuePrefix=“Bearer " with a space at the end.


JWTProvider defines how a JSON Web Token (JWT) can be verified.

Appears in:

namestringtrueName defines a unique name for the JWT provider. A name can have a variety of forms, including RFC1123 subdomains, RFC 1123 labels, or RFC 1035 labels.
issuerstringfalseIssuer is the principal that issued the JWT and takes the form of a URL or email address. For additional details, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.1 for URL format and https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5322.html for email format. If not provided, the JWT issuer is not checked.
audiencesstring arrayfalseAudiences is a list of JWT audiences allowed access. For additional details, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1.3. If not provided, JWT audiences are not checked.
remoteJWKSRemoteJWKStrueRemoteJWKS defines how to fetch and cache JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) from a remote HTTP/HTTPS endpoint.
claimToHeadersClaimToHeader arrayfalseClaimToHeaders is a list of JWT claims that must be extracted into HTTP request headers For examples, following config: The claim must be of type; string, int, double, bool. Array type claims are not supported
recomputeRoutebooleanfalseRecomputeRoute clears the route cache and recalculates the routing decision. This field must be enabled if the headers generated from the claim are used for route matching decisions. If the recomputation selects a new route, features targeting the new matched route will be applied.
extractFromJWTExtractorfalseExtractFrom defines different ways to extract the JWT token from HTTP request. If empty, it defaults to extract JWT token from the Authorization HTTP request header using Bearer schema or access_token from query parameters.


KubernetesContainerSpec defines the desired state of the Kubernetes container resource.

Appears in:

envEnvVar arrayfalseList of environment variables to set in the container.
resourcesResourceRequirementsfalseResources required by this container. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
securityContextSecurityContextfalseSecurityContext defines the security options the container should be run with. If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/
imagestringfalseImage specifies the EnvoyProxy container image to be used, instead of the default image.
volumeMountsVolumeMount arrayfalseVolumeMounts are volumes to mount into the container’s filesystem. Cannot be updated.


KubernetesDeployMode holds configuration for how to deploy managed resources such as the Envoy Proxy data plane fleet.

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KubernetesDeploymentSpec defines the desired state of the Kubernetes deployment resource.

Appears in:

patchKubernetesPatchSpecfalsePatch defines how to perform the patch operation to deployment
replicasintegerfalseReplicas is the number of desired pods. Defaults to 1.
strategyDeploymentStrategyfalseThe deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones.
podKubernetesPodSpecfalsePod defines the desired specification of pod.
containerKubernetesContainerSpecfalseContainer defines the desired specification of main container.
initContainersContainer arrayfalseList of initialization containers belonging to the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/init-containers/


KubernetesHorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec defines Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler settings of Envoy Proxy Deployment. When HPA is enabled, it is recommended that the value in KubernetesDeploymentSpec.replicas be removed, otherwise Envoy Gateway will revert back to this value every time reconciliation occurs. See k8s.io.autoscaling.v2.HorizontalPodAutoScalerSpec.

Appears in:

minReplicasintegerfalseminReplicas is the lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down. It defaults to 1 replica.
maxReplicasintegertruemaxReplicas is the upper limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale up. It cannot be less that minReplicas.
metricsMetricSpec arrayfalsemetrics contains the specifications for which to use to calculate the desired replica count (the maximum replica count across all metrics will be used). If left empty, it defaults to being based on CPU utilization with average on 80% usage.
behaviorHorizontalPodAutoscalerBehaviorfalsebehavior configures the scaling behavior of the target in both Up and Down directions (scaleUp and scaleDown fields respectively). If not set, the default HPAScalingRules for scale up and scale down are used. See k8s.io.autoscaling.v2.HorizontalPodAutoScalerBehavior.


KubernetesPatchSpec defines how to perform the patch operation

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typeMergeTypefalseType is the type of merge operation to perform

By default, StrategicMerge is used as the patch type.
valueJSONtrueObject contains the raw configuration for merged object


KubernetesPodSpec defines the desired state of the Kubernetes pod resource.

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annotationsobject (keys:string, values:string)falseAnnotations are the annotations that should be appended to the pods. By default, no pod annotations are appended.
labelsobject (keys:string, values:string)falseLabels are the additional labels that should be tagged to the pods. By default, no additional pod labels are tagged.
securityContextPodSecurityContextfalseSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. Optional: Defaults to empty. See type description for default values of each field.
affinityAffinityfalseIf specified, the pod’s scheduling constraints.
tolerationsToleration arrayfalseIf specified, the pod’s tolerations.
volumesVolume arrayfalseVolumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes
imagePullSecretsLocalObjectReference arrayfalseImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec. If specified, these secrets will be passed to individual puller implementations for them to use. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod
nodeSelectorobject (keys:string, values:string)falseNodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node’s labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
topologySpreadConstraintsTopologySpreadConstraint arrayfalseTopologySpreadConstraints describes how a group of pods ought to spread across topology domains. Scheduler will schedule pods in a way which abides by the constraints. All topologySpreadConstraints are ANDed.


KubernetesServiceSpec defines the desired state of the Kubernetes service resource.

Appears in:

annotationsobject (keys:string, values:string)falseAnnotations that should be appended to the service. By default, no annotations are appended.
typeServiceTypefalseType determines how the Service is exposed. Defaults to LoadBalancer. Valid options are ClusterIP, LoadBalancer and NodePort. “LoadBalancer” means a service will be exposed via an external load balancer (if the cloud provider supports it). “ClusterIP” means a service will only be accessible inside the cluster, via the cluster IP. “NodePort” means a service will be exposed on a static Port on all Nodes of the cluster.
loadBalancerClassstringfalseLoadBalancerClass, when specified, allows for choosing the LoadBalancer provider implementation if more than one are available or is otherwise expected to be specified
allocateLoadBalancerNodePortsbooleanfalseAllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts defines if NodePorts will be automatically allocated for services with type LoadBalancer. Default is “true”. It may be set to “false” if the cluster load-balancer does not rely on NodePorts. If the caller requests specific NodePorts (by specifying a value), those requests will be respected, regardless of this field. This field may only be set for services with type LoadBalancer and will be cleared if the type is changed to any other type.
loadBalancerIPstringfalseLoadBalancerIP defines the IP Address of the underlying load balancer service. This field may be ignored if the load balancer provider does not support this feature. This field has been deprecated in Kubernetes, but it is still used for setting the IP Address in some cloud providers such as GCP.
externalTrafficPolicyServiceExternalTrafficPolicyfalseExternalTrafficPolicy determines the externalTrafficPolicy for the Envoy Service. Valid options are Local and Cluster. Default is “Local”. “Local” means traffic will only go to pods on the node receiving the traffic. “Cluster” means connections are loadbalanced to all pods in the cluster.
patchKubernetesPatchSpecfalsePatch defines how to perform the patch operation to the service


KubernetesWatchMode holds the configuration for which input resources to watch and reconcile.

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typeKubernetesWatchModeTypetrueType indicates what watch mode to use. KubernetesWatchModeTypeNamespaces and KubernetesWatchModeTypeNamespaceSelector are currently supported By default, when this field is unset or empty, Envoy Gateway will watch for input namespaced resources from all namespaces.
namespacesstring arraytrueNamespaces holds the list of namespaces that Envoy Gateway will watch for namespaced scoped resources such as Gateway, HTTPRoute and Service. Note that Envoy Gateway will continue to reconcile relevant cluster scoped resources such as GatewayClass that it is linked to. Precisely one of Namespaces and NamespaceSelector must be set.
namespaceSelectorLabelSelectortrueNamespaceSelector holds the label selector used to dynamically select namespaces. Envoy Gateway will watch for namespaces matching the specified label selector. Precisely one of Namespaces and NamespaceSelector must be set.


Underlying type: string

KubernetesWatchModeType defines the type of KubernetesWatchMode

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LiteralCustomTag adds hard-coded value to each span.

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valuestringtrueValue defines the hard-coded value to add to each span.


LoadBalancer defines the load balancer policy to be applied.

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typeLoadBalancerTypetrueType decides the type of Load Balancer policy. Valid LoadBalancerType values are “ConsistentHash”, “LeastRequest”, “Random”, “RoundRobin”,
consistentHashConsistentHashfalseConsistentHash defines the configuration when the load balancer type is set to ConsistentHash
slowStartSlowStartfalseSlowStart defines the configuration related to the slow start load balancer policy. If set, during slow start window, traffic sent to the newly added hosts will gradually increase. Currently this is only supported for RoundRobin and LeastRequest load balancers


Underlying type: string

LoadBalancerType specifies the types of LoadBalancer.

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LocalRateLimit defines local rate limit configuration.

Appears in:

rulesRateLimitRule arrayfalseRules are a list of RateLimit selectors and limits. If a request matches multiple rules, the strictest limit is applied. For example, if a request matches two rules, one with 10rps and one with 20rps, the final limit will be based on the rule with 10rps.


Underlying type: string

LogLevel defines a log level for Envoy Gateway and EnvoyProxy system logs.

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Underlying type: string

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OIDC defines the configuration for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication.

Appears in:

providerOIDCProvidertrueThe OIDC Provider configuration.
clientIDstringtrueThe client ID to be used in the OIDC Authentication Request.
clientSecretSecretObjectReferencetrueThe Kubernetes secret which contains the OIDC client secret to be used in the Authentication Request.

This is an Opaque secret. The client secret should be stored in the key “client-secret”.
scopesstring arrayfalseThe OIDC scopes to be used in the Authentication Request. The “openid” scope is always added to the list of scopes if not already specified.
redirectURLstringtrueThe redirect URL to be used in the OIDC Authentication Request. If not specified, uses the default redirect URI “%REQ(x-forwarded-proto)%://%REQ(:authority)%/oauth2/callback”
logoutPathstringtrueThe path to log a user out, clearing their credential cookies. If not specified, uses a default logout path “/logout”


OIDCProvider defines the OIDC Provider configuration.

Appears in:

issuerstringtrueThe OIDC Provider’s issuer identifier. Issuer MUST be a URI RFC 3986 [RFC3986] with a scheme component that MUST be https, a host component, and optionally, port and path components and no query or fragment components.
authorizationEndpointstringfalseThe OIDC Provider’s authorization endpoint. If not provided, EG will try to discover it from the provider’s Well-Known Configuration Endpoint.
tokenEndpointstringfalseThe OIDC Provider’s token endpoint. If not provided, EG will try to discover it from the provider’s Well-Known Configuration Endpoint.


TODO: consider reuse ExtensionService?

Appears in:

hoststringtrueHost define the extension service hostname.
portintegerfalsePort defines the port the extension service is exposed on.
resourcesobject (keys:string, values:string)falseResources is a set of labels that describe the source of a log entry, including envoy node info. It’s recommended to follow semantic conventions.


Underlying type: string

Origin is defined by the scheme (protocol), hostname (domain), and port of the URL used to access it. The hostname can be “precise” which is just the domain name or “wildcard” which is a domain name prefixed with a single wildcard label such as “.example.com”. In addition to that a single wildcard (with or without scheme) can be configured to match any origin. For example, the following are valid origins: - https://foo.example.com - https://.example.com - http://foo.example.com:8080 - http://.example.com:8080 - https://

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PassiveHealthCheck defines the configuration for passive health checks in the context of Envoy’s Outlier Detection, see https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/intro/arch_overview/upstream/outlier

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splitExternalLocalOriginErrorsbooleanfalseSplitExternalLocalOriginErrors enables splitting of errors between external and local origin.
intervalDurationfalseInterval defines the time between passive health checks.
consecutiveLocalOriginFailuresintegerfalseConsecutiveLocalOriginFailures sets the number of consecutive local origin failures triggering ejection. Parameter takes effect only when split_external_local_origin_errors is set to true.
consecutiveGatewayErrorsintegerfalseConsecutiveGatewayErrors sets the number of consecutive gateway errors triggering ejection.
consecutive5XxErrorsintegerfalseConsecutive5xxErrors sets the number of consecutive 5xx errors triggering ejection.
baseEjectionTimeDurationfalseBaseEjectionTime defines the base duration for which a host will be ejected on consecutive failures.
maxEjectionPercentintegerfalseMaxEjectionPercent sets the maximum percentage of hosts in a cluster that can be ejected.


Underlying type: string

PathEscapedSlashAction determines the action for requests that contain %2F, %2f, %5C, or %5c sequences in the URI path.

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PathSettings provides settings that managing how the incoming path set by clients is handled.

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escapedSlashesActionPathEscapedSlashActionfalseEscapedSlashesAction determines how %2f, %2F, %5c, or %5C sequences in the path URI should be handled. The default is UnescapeAndRedirect.
disableMergeSlashesbooleanfalseDisableMergeSlashes allows disabling the default configuration of merging adjacent slashes in the path. Note that slash merging is not part of the HTTP spec and is provided for convenience.


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timeoutDurationfalseTimeout is the timeout per retry attempt.
backOffBackOffPolicyfalseBackoff is the backoff policy to be applied per retry attempt. gateway uses a fully jittered exponential back-off algorithm for retries. For additional details, see https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/configuration/http/http_filters/router_filter#config-http-filters-router-x-envoy-max-retries


Underlying type: string

ProviderType defines the types of providers supported by Envoy Gateway.

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Appears in:

disablebooleantrueDisable disables access logging for managed proxies if set to true.
settingsProxyAccessLogSetting arrayfalseSettings defines accesslog settings for managed proxies. If unspecified, will send default format to stdout.


ProxyAccessLogFormat defines the format of accesslog. By default accesslogs are written to standard output.

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typeProxyAccessLogFormatTypetrueType defines the type of accesslog format.
textstringfalseText defines the text accesslog format, following Envoy accesslog formatting, It’s required when the format type is “Text”. Envoy command operators may be used in the format. The format string documentation provides more information.
jsonobject (keys:string, values:string)falseJSON is additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. Structured format for the envoy access logs. Envoy command operators can be used as values for fields within the Struct. It’s required when the format type is “JSON”.


Underlying type: string

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formatProxyAccessLogFormattrueFormat defines the format of accesslog.
sinksProxyAccessLogSink arraytrueSinks defines the sinks of accesslog.


ProxyAccessLogSink defines the sink of accesslog.

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typeProxyAccessLogSinkTypetrueType defines the type of accesslog sink.
fileFileEnvoyProxyAccessLogfalseFile defines the file accesslog sink.
openTelemetryOpenTelemetryEnvoyProxyAccessLogfalseOpenTelemetry defines the OpenTelemetry accesslog sink.


Underlying type: string

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ProxyBootstrap defines Envoy Bootstrap configuration.

Appears in:

typeBootstrapTypefalseType is the type of the bootstrap configuration, it should be either Replace or Merge. If unspecified, it defaults to Replace.
valuestringtrueValue is a YAML string of the bootstrap.


Underlying type: string

ProxyLogComponent defines a component that supports a configured logging level.

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ProxyLogging defines logging parameters for managed proxies.

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levelobject (keys:ProxyLogComponent, values:LogLevel)trueLevel is a map of logging level per component, where the component is the key and the log level is the value. If unspecified, defaults to “default: warn”.


ProxyMetricSink defines the sink of metrics. Default metrics sink is OpenTelemetry.

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typeMetricSinkTypetrueType defines the metric sink type. EG currently only supports OpenTelemetry.
openTelemetryProxyOpenTelemetrySinkfalseOpenTelemetry defines the configuration for OpenTelemetry sink. It’s required if the sink type is OpenTelemetry.


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prometheusProxyPrometheusProvidertruePrometheus defines the configuration for Admin endpoint /stats/prometheus.
sinksProxyMetricSink arraytrueSinks defines the metric sinks where metrics are sent to.
matchesStringMatch arraytrueMatches defines configuration for selecting specific metrics instead of generating all metrics stats that are enabled by default. This helps reduce CPU and memory overhead in Envoy, but eliminating some stats may after critical functionality. Here are the stats that we strongly recommend not disabling: cluster_manager.warming_clusters, cluster.<cluster_name>.membership_total,cluster.<cluster_name>.membership_healthy, cluster.<cluster_name>.membership_degraded,reference https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/9856, https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/14610
enableVirtualHostStatsbooleantrueEnableVirtualHostStats enables envoy stat metrics for virtual hosts.


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hoststringtrueHost define the service hostname.
portintegerfalsePort defines the port the service is exposed on.


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disablebooleantrueDisable the Prometheus endpoint.


ProxyProtocol defines the configuration related to the proxy protocol when communicating with the backend.

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versionProxyProtocolVersiontrueVersion of ProxyProtol Valid ProxyProtocolVersion values are “V1” “V2”


Underlying type: string

ProxyProtocolVersion defines the version of the Proxy Protocol to use.

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accessLogProxyAccessLogfalseAccessLogs defines accesslog parameters for managed proxies. If unspecified, will send default format to stdout.
tracingProxyTracingfalseTracing defines tracing configuration for managed proxies. If unspecified, will not send tracing data.
metricsProxyMetricstrueMetrics defines metrics configuration for managed proxies.


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samplingRateintegerfalseSamplingRate controls the rate at which traffic will be selected for tracing if no prior sampling decision has been made. Defaults to 100, valid values [0-100]. 100 indicates 100% sampling.
customTagsobject (keys:string, values:CustomTag)trueCustomTags defines the custom tags to add to each span. If provider is kubernetes, pod name and namespace are added by default.
providerTracingProvidertrueProvider defines the tracing provider. Only OpenTelemetry is supported currently.


RateLimit defines the configuration associated with the Rate Limit Service used for Global Rate Limiting.

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backendRateLimitDatabaseBackendtrueBackend holds the configuration associated with the database backend used by the rate limit service to store state associated with global ratelimiting.
timeoutDurationfalseTimeout specifies the timeout period for the proxy to access the ratelimit server If not set, timeout is 20ms.
failClosedbooleantrueFailClosed is a switch used to control the flow of traffic when the response from the ratelimit server cannot be obtained. If FailClosed is false, let the traffic pass, otherwise, don’t let the traffic pass and return 500. If not set, FailClosed is False.
telemetryRateLimitTelemetryfalseTelemetry defines telemetry configuration for RateLimit.


RateLimitDatabaseBackend defines the configuration associated with the database backend used by the rate limit service.

Appears in:

typeRateLimitDatabaseBackendTypetrueType is the type of database backend to use. Supported types are: * Redis: Connects to a Redis database.
redisRateLimitRedisSettingsfalseRedis defines the settings needed to connect to a Redis database.


Underlying type: string

RateLimitDatabaseBackendType specifies the types of database backend to be used by the rate limit service.

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prometheusRateLimitMetricsPrometheusProvidertruePrometheus defines the configuration for prometheus endpoint.


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disablebooleantrueDisable the Prometheus endpoint.


RateLimitRedisSettings defines the configuration for connecting to redis database.

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urlstringtrueURL of the Redis Database.
tlsRedisTLSSettingsfalseTLS defines TLS configuration for connecting to redis database.


RateLimitRule defines the semantics for matching attributes from the incoming requests, and setting limits for them.

Appears in:

clientSelectorsRateLimitSelectCondition arrayfalseClientSelectors holds the list of select conditions to select specific clients using attributes from the traffic flow. All individual select conditions must hold True for this rule and its limit to be applied.

If no client selectors are specified, the rule applies to all traffic of the targeted Route.

If the policy targets a Gateway, the rule applies to each Route of the Gateway. Please note that each Route has its own rate limit counters. For example, if a Gateway has two Routes, and the policy has a rule with limit 10rps, each Route will have its own 10rps limit.
limitRateLimitValuetrueLimit holds the rate limit values. This limit is applied for traffic flows when the selectors compute to True, causing the request to be counted towards the limit. The limit is enforced and the request is ratelimited, i.e. a response with 429 HTTP status code is sent back to the client when the selected requests have reached the limit.


RateLimitSelectCondition specifies the attributes within the traffic flow that can be used to select a subset of clients to be ratelimited. All the individual conditions must hold True for the overall condition to hold True.

Appears in:

headersHeaderMatch arrayfalseHeaders is a list of request headers to match. Multiple header values are ANDed together, meaning, a request MUST match all the specified headers. At least one of headers or sourceCIDR condition must be specified.
sourceCIDRSourceMatchfalseSourceCIDR is the client IP Address range to match on. At least one of headers or sourceCIDR condition must be specified.


RateLimitSpec defines the desired state of RateLimitSpec.

Appears in:

typeRateLimitTypetrueType decides the scope for the RateLimits. Valid RateLimitType values are “Global” or “Local”.
globalGlobalRateLimitfalseGlobal defines global rate limit configuration.
localLocalRateLimitfalseLocal defines local rate limit configuration.


Appears in:

metricsRateLimitMetricstrueMetrics defines metrics configuration for RateLimit.


Underlying type: string

RateLimitType specifies the types of RateLimiting.

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Underlying type: string

RateLimitUnit specifies the intervals for setting rate limits. Valid RateLimitUnit values are “Second”, “Minute”, “Hour”, and “Day”.

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RateLimitValue defines the limits for rate limiting.

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RedisTLSSettings defines the TLS configuration for connecting to redis database.

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certificateRefSecretObjectReferencefalseCertificateRef defines the client certificate reference for TLS connections. Currently only a Kubernetes Secret of type TLS is supported.


RemoteJWKS defines how to fetch and cache JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) from a remote HTTP/HTTPS endpoint.

Appears in:

uristringtrueURI is the HTTPS URI to fetch the JWKS. Envoy’s system trust bundle is used to validate the server certificate.


RequestHeaderCustomTag adds value from request header to each span.

Appears in:

namestringtrueName defines the name of the request header which to extract the value from.
defaultValuestringfalseDefaultValue defines the default value to use if the request header is not set.


Underlying type: string

ResourceProviderType defines the types of custom resource providers supported by Envoy Gateway.

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Retry defines the retry strategy to be applied.

Appears in:

numRetriesintegerfalseNumRetries is the number of retries to be attempted. Defaults to 2.
retryOnRetryOnfalseRetryOn specifies the retry trigger condition.

If not specified, the default is to retry on connect-failure,refused-stream,unavailable,cancelled,retriable-status-codes(503).
perRetryPerRetryPolicyfalsePerRetry is the retry policy to be applied per retry attempt.


Appears in:

triggersTriggerEnum arrayfalseTriggers specifies the retry trigger condition(Http/Grpc).
httpStatusCodesHTTPStatus arrayfalseHttpStatusCodes specifies the http status codes to be retried. The retriable-status-codes trigger must also be configured for these status codes to trigger a retry.


SecurityPolicy allows the user to configure various security settings for a Gateway.

Appears in:

metadataObjectMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
specSecurityPolicySpectrueSpec defines the desired state of SecurityPolicy.


SecurityPolicyList contains a list of SecurityPolicy resources.

metadataListMetatrueRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
itemsSecurityPolicy arraytrue


SecurityPolicySpec defines the desired state of SecurityPolicy.

Appears in:

targetRefPolicyTargetReferenceWithSectionNametrueTargetRef is the name of the Gateway resource this policy is being attached to. This Policy and the TargetRef MUST be in the same namespace for this Policy to have effect and be applied to the Gateway.
corsCORSfalseCORS defines the configuration for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
basicAuthBasicAuthfalseBasicAuth defines the configuration for the HTTP Basic Authentication.
jwtJWTfalseJWT defines the configuration for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.
oidcOIDCfalseOIDC defines the configuration for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication.
extAuthExtAuthfalseExtAuth defines the configuration for External Authorization.


Underlying type: string

ServiceExternalTrafficPolicy describes how nodes distribute service traffic they receive on one of the Service’s “externally-facing” addresses (NodePorts, ExternalIPs, and LoadBalancer IPs.

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Underlying type: string

ServiceType string describes ingress methods for a service

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ShutdownConfig defines configuration for graceful envoy shutdown process.

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drainTimeoutDurationfalseDrainTimeout defines the graceful drain timeout. This should be less than the pod’s terminationGracePeriodSeconds. If unspecified, defaults to 600 seconds.
minDrainDurationDurationfalseMinDrainDuration defines the minimum drain duration allowing time for endpoint deprogramming to complete. If unspecified, defaults to 5 seconds.


SlowStart defines the configuration related to the slow start load balancer policy.

Appears in:

windowDurationtrueWindow defines the duration of the warm up period for newly added host. During slow start window, traffic sent to the newly added hosts will gradually increase. Currently only supports linear growth of traffic. For additional details, see https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/config/cluster/v3/cluster.proto#config-cluster-v3-cluster-slowstartconfig


Underlying type: string

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StringMatch defines how to match any strings. This is a general purpose match condition that can be used by other EG APIs that need to match against a string.

Appears in:

typeStringMatchTypefalseType specifies how to match against a string.
valuestringtrueValue specifies the string value that the match must have.


Underlying type: string

StringMatchType specifies the semantics of how a string value should be compared. Valid MatchType values are “Exact”, “Prefix”, “Suffix”, “RegularExpression”.

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TCPActiveHealthChecker defines the settings of tcp health check.

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sendActiveHealthCheckPayloadfalseSend defines the request payload.
receiveActiveHealthCheckPayloadfalseReceive defines the expected response payload.


TCPKeepalive define the TCP Keepalive configuration.

Appears in:

probesintegerfalseThe total number of unacknowledged probes to send before deciding the connection is dead. Defaults to 9.
idleTimeDurationfalseThe duration a connection needs to be idle before keep-alive probes start being sent. The duration format is Defaults to 7200s.
intervalDurationfalseThe duration between keep-alive probes. Defaults to 75s.


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connectTimeoutDurationfalseThe timeout for network connection establishment, including TCP and TLS handshakes. Default: 10 seconds.


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minVersionTLSVersionfalseMin specifies the minimal TLS protocol version to allow. The default is TLS 1.2 if this is not specified.
maxVersionTLSVersionfalseMax specifies the maximal TLS protocol version to allow The default is TLS 1.3 if this is not specified.
ciphersstring arrayfalseCiphers specifies the set of cipher suites supported when negotiating TLS 1.0 - 1.2. This setting has no effect for TLS 1.3. In non-FIPS Envoy Proxy builds the default cipher list is: - [ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256|ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305] - [ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256|ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305] - ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 - ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 In builds using BoringSSL FIPS the default cipher list is: - ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 - ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 - ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 - ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
ecdhCurvesstring arrayfalseECDHCurves specifies the set of supported ECDH curves. In non-FIPS Envoy Proxy builds the default curves are: - X25519 - P-256 In builds using BoringSSL FIPS the default curve is: - P-256
signatureAlgorithmsstring arrayfalseSignatureAlgorithms specifies which signature algorithms the listener should support.
alpnProtocolsALPNProtocol arrayfalseALPNProtocols supplies the list of ALPN protocols that should be exposed by the listener. By default h2 and http/1.1 are enabled. Supported values are: - http/1.0 - http/1.1 - h2
clientValidationClientValidationContextfalseClientValidation specifies the configuration to validate the client initiating the TLS connection to the Gateway listener.


Underlying type: string

TLSVersion specifies the TLS version

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Timeout defines configuration for timeouts related to connections.

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tcpTCPTimeoutfalseTimeout settings for TCP.
httpHTTPTimeoutfalseTimeout settings for HTTP.


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typeTracingProviderTypetrueType defines the tracing provider type. EG currently only supports OpenTelemetry.
hoststringtrueHost define the provider service hostname.
portintegerfalsePort defines the port the provider service is exposed on.


Underlying type: string

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Underlying type: string

TriggerEnum specifies the conditions that trigger retries.

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Underlying type: string

XDSTranslatorHook defines the types of hooks that an Envoy Gateway extension may support for the xds-translator

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XDSTranslatorHooks contains all the pre and post hooks for the xds-translator runner.

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preXDSTranslatorHook arraytrue
postXDSTranslatorHook arraytrue


XForwardedForSettings provides configuration for using X-Forwarded-For headers for determining the client IP address.

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numTrustedHopsintegerfalseNumTrustedHops controls the number of additional ingress proxy hops from the right side of XFF HTTP headers to trust when determining the origin client’s IP address. Refer to https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/configuration/http/http_conn_man/headers#x-forwarded-for for more details.

Last modified January 25, 2025: doc: response compression (#5071) (549fdde)