Configuration API Design


Issue 51 specifies the need to design an API for configuring Envoy Gateway. The control plane is configured statically at startup and the data plane is configured dynamically through Kubernetes resources, primarily Gateway API objects. Refer to the Envoy Gateway design doc for additional details regarding Envoy Gateway terminology and configuration.


  • Define an initial API to configure Envoy Gateway at startup.
  • Define an initial API for configuring the managed data plane, e.g. Envoy proxies.


  • Implementation of the configuration APIs.
  • Define the status subresource of the configuration APIs.
  • Define a complete set of APIs for configuring Envoy Gateway. As stated in the Goals, this document defines the initial configuration APIs.
  • Define an API for deploying/provisioning/operating Envoy Gateway. If needed, a future Envoy Gateway operator would be responsible for designing and implementing this type of API.
  • Specify tooling for managing the API, e.g. generate protos, CRDs, controller RBAC, etc.

Control Plane API

The EnvoyGateway API defines the control plane configuration, e.g. Envoy Gateway. Key points of this API are:

  • It will define Envoy Gateway’s startup configuration file. If the file does not exist, Envoy Gateway will start up with default configuration parameters.
  • EnvoyGateway inlines the TypeMeta API. This allows EnvoyGateway to be versioned and managed as a GroupVersionKind scheme.
  • EnvoyGateway does not contain a metadata field since it’s currently represented as a static configuration file instead of a Kubernetes resource.
  • Since EnvoyGateway does not surface status, EnvoyGatewaySpec is inlined.
  • If data plane static configuration is required in the future, Envoy Gateway will use a separate file for this purpose.

The v1alpha1 version and API group get generated:

// gateway/api/config/v1alpha1/doc.go

// Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the API group.
package v1alpha1

The initial EnvoyGateway API:

// gateway/api/config/v1alpha1/envoygateway.go

package valpha1

import (
	metav1 ""

// EnvoyGateway is the Schema for the envoygateways API
type EnvoyGateway struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

	// EnvoyGatewaySpec defines the desired state of Envoy Gateway.
	EnvoyGatewaySpec `json:",inline"`

// EnvoyGatewaySpec defines the desired state of Envoy Gateway configuration.
type EnvoyGatewaySpec struct {
	// Gateway defines Gateway-API specific configuration. If unset, default
	// configuration parameters will apply.
	// +optional
	Gateway *Gateway `json:"gateway,omitempty"`

	// Provider defines the desired provider configuration. If unspecified,
	// the Kubernetes provider is used with default parameters.
	// +optional
	Provider *EnvoyGatewayProvider `json:"provider,omitempty"`

// Gateway defines desired Gateway API configuration of Envoy Gateway.
type Gateway struct {
	// ControllerName defines the name of the Gateway API controller. If unspecified,
	// defaults to "". See the following
	// for additional details:
	// +optional
	ControllerName string `json:"controllerName,omitempty"`

// EnvoyGatewayProvider defines the desired configuration of a provider.
// +union
type EnvoyGatewayProvider struct {
	// Type is the type of provider to use. If unset, the Kubernetes provider is used.
	// +unionDiscriminator
	Type ProviderType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// Kubernetes defines the configuration of the Kubernetes provider. Kubernetes
	// provides runtime configuration via the Kubernetes API.
	// +optional
	Kubernetes *EnvoyGatewayKubernetesProvider `json:"kubernetes,omitempty"`

	// File defines the configuration of the File provider. File provides runtime
	// configuration defined by one or more files.
	// +optional
	File *EnvoyGatewayFileProvider `json:"file,omitempty"`

// ProviderType defines the types of providers supported by Envoy Gateway.
type ProviderType string

const (
	// KubernetesProviderType defines the "Kubernetes" provider.
	KubernetesProviderType ProviderType = "Kubernetes"

	// FileProviderType defines the "File" provider.
	FileProviderType ProviderType = "File"

// EnvoyGatewayKubernetesProvider defines configuration for the Kubernetes provider.
type EnvoyGatewayKubernetesProvider struct {
	// TODO: Add config as use cases are better understood.

// EnvoyGatewayFileProvider defines configuration for the File provider.
type EnvoyGatewayFileProvider struct {
	// TODO: Add config as use cases are better understood.

Note: Provider-specific configuration is defined in the {$PROVIDER_NAME}Provider API.


Gateway defines desired configuration of Gateway API controllers that reconcile and translate Gateway API resources into the Intermediate Representation (IR). Refer to the Envoy Gateway design doc for additional details.


Provider defines the desired configuration of an Envoy Gateway provider. A provider is an infrastructure component that Envoy Gateway calls to establish its runtime configuration. Provider is a union type. Therefore, Envoy Gateway can be configured with only one provider based on the type discriminator field. Refer to the Envoy Gateway design doc for additional details.

Control Plane Configuration

The configuration file is defined by the EnvoyGateway API type. At startup, Envoy Gateway searches for the configuration at “/etc/envoy-gateway/config.yaml”.

Start Envoy Gateway:

$ ./envoy-gateway

Since the configuration file does not exist, Envoy Gateway will start with default configuration parameters.

The Kubernetes provider can be configured explicitly using provider.kubernetes:

$ cat << EOF > /etc/envoy-gateway/config.yaml
kind: EnvoyGateway
  type: Kubernetes
  kubernetes: {}

This configuration will cause Envoy Gateway to use the Kubernetes provider with default configuration parameters.

The Kubernetes provider can be configured using the provider field. For example, the foo field can be set to “bar”:

$ cat << EOF > /etc/envoy-gateway/config.yaml
kind: EnvoyGateway
  type: Kubernetes
    foo: bar

Note: The Provider API from the Kubernetes package is currently undefined and foo: bar is provided for illustration purposes only.

The same API structure is followed for each supported provider. The following example causes Envoy Gateway to use the File provider:

$ cat << EOF > /etc/envoy-gateway/config.yaml
kind: EnvoyGateway
  type: File
    foo: bar

Note: The Provider API from the File package is currently undefined and foo: bar is provided for illustration purposes only.

Gateway API-related configuration is expressed through the gateway field. If unspecified, Envoy Gateway will use default configuration parameters for gateway. The following example causes the GatewayClass controller to manage GatewayClasses with controllerName foo instead of the default

$ cat << EOF > /etc/envoy-gateway/config.yaml
kind: EnvoyGateway
  controllerName: foo

With any of the above configuration examples, Envoy Gateway can be started without any additional arguments:

$ ./envoy-gateway

Data Plane API

The data plane is configured dynamically through Kubernetes resources, primarily Gateway API objects. Optionally, the data plane infrastructure can be configured by referencing a custom resource (CR) through spec.parametersRef of the managed GatewayClass. The EnvoyProxy API defines the data plane infrastructure configuration and is represented as the CR referenced by the managed GatewayClass. Key points of this API are:

  • If unreferenced by gatewayclass.spec.parametersRef, default parameters will be used to configure the data plane infrastructure, e.g. expose Envoy network endpoints using a LoadBalancer service.
  • Envoy Gateway will follow Gateway API recommendations regarding updates to the EnvoyProxy CR:

    It is recommended that this resource be used as a template for Gateways. This means that a Gateway is based on the state of the GatewayClass at the time it was created and changes to the GatewayClass or associated parameters are not propagated down to existing Gateways.

The initial EnvoyProxy API:

// gateway/api/config/v1alpha1/envoyproxy.go

package v1alpha1

import (
	metav1 ""

// EnvoyProxy is the Schema for the envoyproxies API.
type EnvoyProxy struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec   EnvoyProxySpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status EnvoyProxyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// EnvoyProxySpec defines the desired state of Envoy Proxy infrastructure
// configuration.
type EnvoyProxySpec struct {
	// Undefined by this design spec.

// EnvoyProxyStatus defines the observed state of EnvoyProxy.
type EnvoyProxyStatus struct {
	// Undefined by this design spec.

The EnvoyProxySpec and EnvoyProxyStatus fields will be defined in the future as proxy infrastructure configuration use cases are better understood.

Data Plane Configuration

GatewayClass and Gateway resources define the data plane infrastructure. Note that all examples assume Envoy Gateway is running with the Kubernetes provider.

kind: GatewayClass
  name: example-class
kind: Gateway
  name: example-gateway
  gatewayClassName: example-class
  - name: http
    protocol: HTTP
    port: 80

Since the GatewayClass does not define spec.parametersRef, the data plane is provisioned using default configuration parameters. The Envoy proxies will be configured with a http listener and a Kubernetes LoadBalancer service listening on port 80.

The following example will configure the data plane to use a ClusterIP service instead of the default LoadBalancer service:

kind: GatewayClass
  name: example-class
    name: example-config
    kind: EnvoyProxy
kind: Gateway
  name: example-gateway
  gatewayClassName: example-class
  - name: http
    protocol: HTTP
    port: 80
kind: EnvoyProxy
  name: example-config
    type: ClusterIPService

Note: The NetworkPublishing API is currently undefined and is provided here for illustration purposes only.

Last modified October 17, 2024: api: direct response (#4334) (5375cf0)