2 minute read
Date: Oct 27, 2023
- Introduced a new website based on Hugo
- Added Grafana dashboards and integration docs for EnvoyProxy metrics
- Added Grafana integration docs for Gateway API metrics
- Added Support for configuring Envoy Gateway Label and Annotations using Helm
- Increased default Resource defaults for Envoy Gateway to 100m CPU and 256Mi Memory
- Fixes Helm values for EnvoyGateway startup configuration
- Added opt-in field to skip creating control plane TLS Certificates allowing users to bring their own certificates.
- Upgraded to Gateway API v1.0.0
- Added the ClientTrafficPolicy CRD with Keep Alive Support
- Added the BackendTrafficPolicy CRD with RateLimit and LoadBalancer Support
- Added the SecurityPolicy CRD with CORS and JWT Support
- Added EnvoyGateway Metrics with Prometheus and OpenTelemetry support
- Added Support for InitContainers in EnvoyProxy CRD
- Added Support for LoadBalancerIP in EnvoyProxy CRD
- Added Support for AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts in EnvoyProxy CRD
- Added Support for LoadBalancerClass in EnvoyProxy CRD
- Added Support for selecting EnvoyProxy stats to be generated
- Added Support for enabling EnvoyProxy Virtual Host metrics
- Added Support for Merging Gateway resources onto the same infrastructure
Breaking Changes
- Removed the AuthenticationFilter CRD
- Removed the RateLimitFilter CRD
- Enabled EnvoyProxy Prometheus Endpoint by default with an option to disable it
- Updated the Bootstrap field within the EnvoyProxy CRD with an additional value
- field to specify bootstrap config
Ci tooling testing
- Improved caching of resource by implementing a compare function agnostic of resource order
Breaking Changes
- Added support for routing to EndpointSlice endpoints
- Added support for HTTPRoute Timeouts
- Added support for multiple RequestMirror filters per HTTPRoute rule
- Use / instead of - in IR Route Names
- Added Support to ignore ports in Host header
- Added the generationChangedPredicate to most resources to limit resource reconiliation
- Improved reconiliation by using the same enqueue request for all resources
- Added support for reconciling ServiceImport CRD
- Added support for selectively watching resources based on Namespace Selector
- Fixed Layered Runtime warnings
- Upgraded to the latest version of go-control-plane that fixed xDS Resource ordering issues for ADS.
- Added HTTP2 Keep Alives to the xds connection
- Added Support for egctl stats command
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