2 minute read
Date: October 19, 2022
- Added Config API, translator, roadmap, and message bus design documentation.
- Added documentation for releasing Envoy Gateway.
- Added user guides for configuring common tasks, e.g. HTTP request routing.
- Added support for the Sphinx documentation generator.
- Added the EnvoyGateway API type for configuring Envoy Gateway.
- Added the EnvoyProxy API type for configuring managed Envoys.
Ci tooling testing
- Added tooling to build, run, etc. Envoy Gateway.
- Added Gateway API conformance tests.
- Added Make-based tooling to fetch all tools so checks (code lint, spellchecks) and tests can be run locally.
- Added support for releasing latest artifacts to GitHub.
- Added code coverage with a minimum 60% threshold.
- Added xds and infra IRs to decouple user-facing APIs from Envoy Gateway.
- Added IR validation.
- Added the gatewayapi translator to translate Gateway API and associated resources to the IR and manage the
- status of Gateway API resources.
- Added the xDS translator to translate the xds IR to xDS resources.
- Added infra and xds IR watchable map messages for inter-component communication.
- Added a Runner to each Envoy Gateway component to support pub/sub between components.
- Added support for managing multiple separate Envoy proxy fleets.
- Added Kubernetes Infra Manager to manage Envoy infrastructure running in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Added support for managing a separate Envoy infrastructure per Gateway.
- Added the Kubernetes provider with support for managing GatewayClass, Gateway, HTTPRoute, ReferenceGrant, and
- TLSRoute resources.
- Due to Issue #539, a ReferenceGrant is not removed from the system when unreferenced.
- Due to Issue #577, TLSRoute is not being tested for Gateway API conformance.
- Added watchers for dependent resources of managed Envoy infrastructure to trigger reconciliation.
- Added support for labeling managed infrastructure using Gateway namespace/name labels.
- Added support for finalizing the managed GatewayClass.
- Added xDS server support to configure managed Envoys using Delta xDS.
- Added initial support for mTLS between the xDS server and managed Envoys.
- Due to envoyproxy/go-control-plane Issue #599, Envoy Gateway logs the private key of HTTPS listeners.
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