Proxy Tracing

Envoy Gateway provides observability for the ControlPlane and the underlying EnvoyProxy instances. This task show you how to config proxy tracing.


Follow the steps from the Quickstart to install Envoy Gateway and the example manifest. Before proceeding, you should be able to query the example backend using HTTP.

Envoy Gateway provides an add-ons Helm Chart, which includes all the needing components for observability. By default, the OpenTelemetry Collector is disabled.

Install the add-ons Helm Chart:

helm install eg-addons oci:// --version v0.0.0-latest --set opentelemetry-collector.enabled=true -n monitoring --create-namespace

Expose Tempo endpoints:

TEMPO_IP=$(kubectl get svc tempo -n monitoring -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')


By default, Envoy Gateway doesn’t send traces to any sink. You can enable traces by setting the telemetry.tracing in the EnvoyProxy CRD. Currently, Envoy Gateway support OpenTelemetry, Zipkin and Datadog tracer.

Tracing Provider

The following configurations show how to apply proxy with different providers:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: GatewayClass metadata: name: eg spec: controllerName: parametersRef: group: kind: EnvoyProxy name: otel namespace: envoy-gateway-system --- apiVersion: kind: EnvoyProxy metadata: name: otel namespace: envoy-gateway-system spec: telemetry: tracing: # sample 100% of requests samplingRate: 100 provider: backendRefs: - name: otel-collector namespace: monitoring port: 4317 type: OpenTelemetry customTags: # This is an example of using a literal as a tag value provider: type: Literal literal: value: "otel" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_POD_NAME defaultValue: "-" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_GATEWAY_NAMESPACE defaultValue: "envoy-gateway-system" # This is an example of using a header value as a tag value header1: type: RequestHeader requestHeader: name: X-Header-1 defaultValue: "-" EOF

Verify OpenTelemetry traces from tempo:

curl -s "http://$TEMPO_IP:3100/api/search?tags=component%3Dproxy+provider%3Dotel" | jq .traces
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: GatewayClass metadata: name: eg spec: controllerName: parametersRef: group: kind: EnvoyProxy name: zipkin namespace: envoy-gateway-system --- apiVersion: kind: EnvoyProxy metadata: name: zipkin namespace: envoy-gateway-system spec: telemetry: tracing: # sample 100% of requests samplingRate: 100 provider: backendRefs: - name: otel-collector namespace: monitoring port: 9411 type: Zipkin zipkin: enable128BitTraceId: true customTags: # This is an example of using a literal as a tag value provider: type: Literal literal: value: "zipkin" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_POD_NAME defaultValue: "-" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_GATEWAY_NAMESPACE defaultValue: "envoy-gateway-system" # This is an example of using a header value as a tag value header1: type: RequestHeader requestHeader: name: X-Header-1 defaultValue: "-" EOF

Verify zipkin traces from tempo:

curl -s "http://$TEMPO_IP:3100/api/search?tags=component%3Dproxy+provider%3Dzipkin" | jq .traces
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: GatewayClass metadata: name: eg spec: controllerName: parametersRef: group: kind: EnvoyProxy name: datadog namespace: envoy-gateway-system --- apiVersion: kind: EnvoyProxy metadata: name: datadog namespace: envoy-gateway-system spec: telemetry: tracing: # sample 100% of requests samplingRate: 100 provider: backendRefs: - name: datadog-agent namespace: monitoring port: 8126 type: Datadog customTags: # This is an example of using a literal as a tag value provider: type: Literal literal: value: "datadog" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_POD_NAME defaultValue: "-" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_GATEWAY_NAMESPACE defaultValue: "envoy-gateway-system" # This is an example of using a header value as a tag value header1: type: RequestHeader requestHeader: name: X-Header-1 defaultValue: "-" EOF

Verify Datadog traces in Datadog APM

Query trace by trace id:

curl -s "http://$TEMPO_IP:3100/api/traces/<trace_id>" | jq

Sampling Rate

Envoy Gateway use 100% sample rate, which means all requests will be traced. This may cause performance issues when traffic is very high, you can adjust the sample rate by setting the telemetry.tracing.samplingRate in the EnvoyProxy CRD.

The following configurations show how to apply proxy with 1% sample rates:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: GatewayClass metadata: name: eg spec: controllerName: parametersRef: group: kind: EnvoyProxy name: otel namespace: envoy-gateway-system --- apiVersion: kind: EnvoyProxy metadata: name: otel namespace: envoy-gateway-system spec: telemetry: tracing: # sample 1% of requests samplingRate: 1 provider: backendRefs: - name: otel-collector namespace: monitoring port: 4317 type: OpenTelemetry customTags: # This is an example of using a literal as a tag value provider: type: Literal literal: value: "otel" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_POD_NAME defaultValue: "-" "": type: Environment environment: name: ENVOY_GATEWAY_NAMESPACE defaultValue: "envoy-gateway-system" # This is an example of using a header value as a tag value header1: type: RequestHeader requestHeader: name: X-Header-1 defaultValue: "-" EOF