Gateway Helm Chart
2 minute read
The Helm chart for Envoy Gateway
Name | Url | |
envoy-gateway-steering-committee | | |
envoy-gateway-maintainers | |
Source Code
Key | Type | Default | Description |
certgen | object | {"job":{"affinity":{},"annotations":{},"args":[],"nodeSelector":{},"resources":{},"securityContext":{"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":65534,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65534,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}},"tolerations":[],"ttlSecondsAfterFinished":30},"rbac":{"annotations":{},"labels":{}}} | Certgen is used to generate the certificates required by EnvoyGateway. If you want to construct a custom certificate, you can generate a custom certificate through Cert-Manager before installing EnvoyGateway. Certgen will not overwrite the custom certificate. Please do not manually modify values.yaml to disable certgen, it may cause EnvoyGateway OIDC,OAuth2,etc. to not work as expected. |
config.envoyGateway | object | {"gateway":{"controllerName":""},"logging":{"level":{"default":"info"}},"provider":{"type":"Kubernetes"}} | EnvoyGateway configuration. Visit to view all options. |
createNamespace | bool | false | |
deployment.envoyGateway.image.repository | string | "" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.image.tag | string | "" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.imagePullPolicy | string | "" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.imagePullSecrets | list | [] | |
deployment.envoyGateway.resources.limits.memory | string | "1024Mi" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.resources.requests.memory | string | "256Mi" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.privileged | bool | false | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.runAsGroup | int | 65532 | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65532 | |
deployment.envoyGateway.securityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | "RuntimeDefault" | |
deployment.pod.affinity | object | {} | |
deployment.pod.annotations.“” | string | "19001" | |
deployment.pod.annotations.“” | string | "true" | |
deployment.pod.labels | object | {} | |
deployment.pod.nodeSelector | object | {} | |
deployment.pod.tolerations | list | [] | |
deployment.pod.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] | |
deployment.ports[0].name | string | "grpc" | |
deployment.ports[0].port | int | 18000 | |
deployment.ports[0].targetPort | int | 18000 | |
deployment.ports[1].name | string | "ratelimit" | |
deployment.ports[1].port | int | 18001 | |
deployment.ports[1].targetPort | int | 18001 | |
deployment.ports[2].name | string | "wasm" | |
deployment.ports[2].port | int | 18002 | |
deployment.ports[2].targetPort | int | 18002 | |
deployment.ports[3].name | string | "metrics" | |
deployment.ports[3].port | int | 19001 | |
deployment.ports[3].targetPort | int | 19001 | |
deployment.priorityClassName | string | nil | |
deployment.replicas | int | 1 | |
global.images.envoyGateway.image | string | nil | |
global.images.envoyGateway.pullPolicy | string | nil | |
global.images.envoyGateway.pullSecrets | list | [] | |
global.images.ratelimit.image | string | "" | |
global.images.ratelimit.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | |
global.images.ratelimit.pullSecrets | list | [] | |
hpa.behavior | object | {} | |
hpa.enabled | bool | false | |
hpa.maxReplicas | int | 1 | |
hpa.metrics | list | [] | |
hpa.minReplicas | int | 1 | |
kubernetesClusterDomain | string | "cluster.local" | |
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable | int | 0 | |
service.annotations | object | {} | |
service.trafficDistribution | string | "" |
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